Making the most of moneymaking business opportunities online can be difficult. If you are anything like me you swing from having no moneymaking ideas to too many ideas all at once! Should you buy new domains to start new blogs on, buy domains that are aged already or something completely different?
An alternative that I have been finding increasingly attractive recently is reviving old blogs of mine that are already trusted by Google.
My Current MoneyMaking Strategy
Over the 18 months I've been blogging I've built up quite a few domains. I had a phase just over 6 months ago where I did a load of keyword research and bought some domains. I wasn't invested in many things online at the time so I needed to get back in the game. I installed Wordpress on these new blogs and wrote the first post just so Google would index my site with a little content. Often a problem with blogging on a new domain is Google doesn't trust it and you have to work extra hard to not be 'sandboxed' or at least to avoid very low SERPs rankings.
6 months has now passed and my little blogs are all trusted enough by Google to get decent rankings without having to post every single day and build links all night. All that's changed about them is time has passed! I've been steadily adding content to them in the last few weeks and they have been growing very nicely.
I suddenly realized... I have left this blog to the dogs! It's full of decent content, trusted by the search engines, why on earth was I not updating it? On top of that I know more about how to earn money online with a blog now than when I used to write here daily, so I decided (at the very least) to add some more posts outlining what I've been up to.
If your a new reader to this blog or a veteran from 'the old days', do leave a comment letting me know how your business making money online is going for you.