Showing posts with label The Mgt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Mgt. Show all posts

Saturday, May 31, 2008

As if it matters...

I always imagine our visitors as passing through - so rarely bother to explain the goings-on around here.

For 3 years we ran this blog as a semi-official students' site, linked to the Maybe Logic Academy, and supplementing the quarterly magazine output.

In the recent rebuild of the campus we got invited to move inside. So now we have a blog incorporated into the campus with (confusingly to some) the same name. It doesn't yet have a lot of bells and whistles, whereas this one seems like a coral-reef encrusted with useful or interesting links so I tend to drop back here, and can't quite abandon ship just yet.

Do I explain, or leave you to explore?
David Rapapport at the Cottesloe Theatre in Ken Campbell's stage version of Illuminatus
Markoff Chaney (for instance) remains a very subversive character in RAWilson's books (most notably Illuminatus!) who puts up vaguely insulting or threatening notices in public places and private offices, apparently signed by the Management (The Mgt) but really from MC himself (the midget).

Does that spoil or illuminate the joke?

Hey, these Blogger Labels work real nice!

I just tried The Mgt, and got a blog cut including RAW, PKD, Bob Dobbs, Bob Dylan and Ken Campbell, and all sorts. "Nostalgia isn't what it used to be", to quote Peter de Vries (who may never have even heard of E-Prime)...

(Note: you'll need your red-green 3-D glasses for October 14th)

Maybe this blog will just float now, become self-rererential and more complex...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Things To Come

The Eye in the Pyramid
A Fairy Tale for Paranoids

The decision to start a Wiki for discussion of Illuminatus! seems popular with the gang, so we will probably start on that in the new year (Christian Calendar).
Golden Apple
I have various bits and pieces that I found useful when doing the Illuminatus! course with RAW that I would simply like to put in one easily accessible place.

First of all, a list of characters, which had been compiled by Toff Philippo and shows just how many people swirl around in the books – and helps piece together who they all are (like a Russian novel, it seems easy to lose track). I tidied up the formatting, and Quackenbush posted it on the excellent RAWilsonFans website.

I hope we can supplement this list a bit with things like the origins of character’s names (someone called Mocenigo, for instance, betrayed Giordano Bruno to the Inquisition).
Ken Campbell's stage production
I also had a secret weapon during the course (for quick research of non-linear time plots) in that I found a (probably illegal) PDF download on a Russian site, in praise of the KLF. I actually found a couple of other places you could download or read online copies, but kept quite quiet about it for a while (not feeling secure about how an author might feel about PDF versions of a book).

Anyway – they exist, and you can find them if you have any skill at Googling at all…and who reads whole books on screen? Not many people, yet. As a research tool to supplement reading the paperback, it seems essential, however. Rather than point to my various secret sites, perhaps I should direct you to RAWilson Fans, again, as it would seem best if we all refer to the same copy (consistency of page numbering, etc). Here’s the ebooks page…whatever you do, don’t go to the html copy on that Buddhist hustler page… (heh)

NB: I do wish they would publish the thing in 3 volumes again, like my original set which I gave away. So much easier to carry around than the fat Omnibus edition. I’d also like to see the plot summaries (story so far) that appeared at the beginning of volumes two and three.
First of three comic book versions
Somewhere in my boxes I have the programme for the stage show, which I should dig out…sadly, a few of the actors have left the planetary stage…and at least one is in jail (George Dorn).

While considering this project, I discovered that 3 issues of a comicbook version had come out. I have traced copies of the first two, but not the third (as yet).

Still, the artist, Mark P.Steele (ICARUS!) has a MySpace place where you can look at some of the art work.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

One Thing After Another

Still gotcha red and green 3-D glasses?
9 Haha 135 de l'Ere Pataphysique
Boomtime, 68th of Bureaucracy, YOLD 3173
I realised the other day (when a new MLA student asked who or what did RAW refer to) that we have a new world ahead of us. Our founder, teacher, friend and collaborator moved on, and left us the Academy as one of his legacies (along with some 35 books). It now has a life of its own.
Bob's good humor lives on
This blog started as a student ezine, and has slowly ended up more-or-less written by me (for the time being). As I have my own particular quirks, it no longer represents a real cross-section of the student body's interests, merely my take on everything. I try to remain focused on MLA stuff (I have other blogs for other interests) but for a better sample you might want to visit the open part of the campus(in spite of a recent invasion of pseudo-visitors - a horrible viral marketing ploy by Oh, don't ask! No really. Don't, it only encourages them.)

Still, you could always search the archives through the link on the right, or the Index, if so inclined.

Time On Your Hands

I don't know how the future of Blogger works out, but I guess this will remain as some sort of record of the times. I continue to add links (that may well reflect my own obsessions) because I find it useful (and I hope you may, too) to have one reference point to keep some favourite places to wander and wonder, when you have some time on your hands.
Bob Dobbs
The weird calendars (by the way) come from Bob's interest in such human constructs and grids. And when I say 'Bob' (around here) I refer to Robert Anton Wilson (RAW) of course. Elsewhere, I might mean Dylan, or Bob Dobbs...
Dylan - Masked and Anonymous
"God spelled backwards is Dog, but Bob spelled backwards is still Bob".

I wish I had a palindromic name!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

That's as maybe...

A new set of courses has started, and a whole new bunch of people arrived - mingling in the general forum, but coming for Erik Davis's course on The Crazy Wisdom of Philip K Dick (why oh why didn't I join that one!) and Douglas Rushkoff's course - TECHNOLOGIES OF PERSUASION: From Propaganda to Paranoia - which started today. (Well, OK, yesterday by 5 minutes in the UK time zone, but San Francisco has 5 p.m, and New York 8 p.m. on October 1st, so I feel partly correct!) You can find an interview with Rushkoff in the Info-Cache blog here (or see link in the right hand column).

It feels terrific to have an infusion of fresh minds arriving through different channels, and the 'old crew' seem revitalized themselves, producing a really exciting new edition of the Quarterly.

Go to DeepLeaf Productions (permanent link on the right) for details of future courses, like Antero Alli's much anticipated Astrologik: Astrology Without Tears, starting 29 October.

Starhawk and Phil Farber have courses scheduled for on we go...

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Visit the Remains and Help Yourself to the Leftovers

Tao, sometimes translated as 'The Way'

[text remains unfinalised]

For new visitors, from whichever direction you arrived, just a little explanation about how I see this 'place'. RAW's wonderful (if hardly unique) creation of an interactive online forum for learning brought together an interesting group of people, with some core members emerging, and a glittering cast of guest stars, walk-ons, extras (who we might call lurkers), has-beens, wannabes, provocateurs, people hidden behind make-up and/or masks and people who strip everything off and run naked through the marketplace.

And the Academy has many more resources than a mere forum - it has a rather fine library of RAW material and work from people that he liked, I'll offer a relevant sample:

The values that Taoism sees in woman and water are their harmony with the Tao. I have not translated this key term, and I do not intend to; but Ezra Pound's translation - "the process" - seems to me more adequate than "the Way," "the Path" and most of the other attempts. Students of General Semantics might understand if I say that the "Tao" comes very close to meaning what they mean when they say "the process-world." The Tao is the flux, the constant change, amid which we live and in the nature of which we partake; or it is the "law" of this change. (But, of course, the "law" and the "change" itself are not different in reality, only in our grammar and philosophy.) A Zen master asked how to get in harmony with the Tao, replied, "Walk on!" Water and woman represent adjustment to the Law of Change, which "man, proud man, dressed in his little brief authority," and his abstract dogmas, tries to resist.

Anna Livia Plurabelle, the water woman, represents the values of the Tao in Finnegans Wake . The very first word of the book, "riverrun" - not the river and the running of the river, but "riverrun" - places us firmly in the "process-world" of modern physics, which is the world of the Tao.

Joyce and Tao By Robert Anton Wilson
From The James Joyce Review, vol. 3, 1959, pp. 8-16

Because of the ephemeral nature of a forum (a rather linear kind of transaction) we planned a quarterly magazine to capture 'the good bits'. Not only did that (through a McLuhan lens) appear based on an old-fashioned print cuture, but it seemed sluggish and unresponsive in a hi-speed modern environment - and, inevitably (or at least predictably) a few enthusiasts provided nearly all of the content, and when they lapsed the editor had to write most of it, and then the group complained it had become unrepresentative.

A few of us decided to start this blog as a more flexible alternative - hovering between chat and finished pieces. Here and Now we find ourselves on a 200th post, and a similar monoculture has appeared in terms of linear contributions by an ever-diminishing group of contributors. Perhaps just following a natural life-cycle?
The Alchemist's Lab
I would feel disappointed if people only came to see 'the latest post' and not do a bit of detective work, rummage in the archives, ask about the odd items in the apothecary jars, or the strange preserves in the old-style delicatessen section, or visit the back rooms (access via Vico's Bar).

I have started indexing, labelling and linking precisely to encourage exploration - just as RAW encouraged us to do a little archaeology (or mining) of the Twentieth Century - combined with early-uptake and adventurous responses (brain machines, online forums, Futurist approaches to the Singularity, etc).

RAW liked Pound's translation of 'Tao' as 'Process'
I think of this site more as a process that a publication. I feel free to return to, and edit, posts. After all, you don't want to find dead links, do you? Why would you want to lock down the words and images? OK, you might like to see the Director's Cut, or sample the raw source material (the first take, or even outtakes) but it seems obvious to me that we should allow ourselves the freedom to tweak, sample, cut-up, hide, reveal and edit the material. Not all contributors have Admin rights (but they could), and any contributor could start a peripheral blog and link back here (and many of us have, as you will find in the links on the right).

If I appear to state the obvious you have to understand that I recently visited another forum and got severely told off for going back and editing or deleting posts of my own. Apparently it made communication difficult for them, and more particularly could get used to make others appear stupid or incoherent, or myself look clever. IMHOApparently, once something gets said (written) in their world, it goes into the electronic akashic records and you have to live with the karma of your own stupidity (or something). I find that impossibly conservative and restrictive! So, I can't correct typos, factual errors or uninformed (or badly phrased) opinions - nothing ever gets forgiven and forgotten! Ludicrous! The Wayback machine and cached Google pages suffice for me, and if people quote the parts of my posts to which they are responding, where can confusion arise? Unless I deny I ever said such a thing!

As a lover of Burroughs, Cage and other anarchists and process-based types, I couldn't believe how oppressive that felt (not to mention the flaming). After all, you can only mess with your own contributions to a dialogue, and further feedback from others remains possible. Of course, if you acquire admin rights (so you can interfere with other people's material) then you do incur some responsibilities, too - and need to act with good intent.

The wind is part of the process The rain is part of the process -- Ezra Pound, Canto 74However, you can always sample the source and re-mix. I liked John Cage's distinction between communication (with intent to affect the other) and conversation (idling along together in parallel).

Whether this blog can remain a process, and can resist turning into an object, remains to be seen. I like the idea that we continue to develop what Bob initiated, and these recent posts simply form my attempt to devise some Brief MLA courses, in the tradition of self-directed learning.

Meanwhile, I will work on making the blog denser, but not longer - feel free to do what you want with it. You can always check out further opinions of mine on my own blog. Be Seeing You!

NB: the next Maybe Quarterly falls due on the Autumnal Equinox, 23 September 2007 - that leaves you a month to consider making a contribution.

Friday, August 03, 2007

New Courses for the Fall

Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot
Lon Milo DuQuette / August 13 - September 30 / $135

Myths, Invocations and Rituals
Patricia Monaghan / September 3 - October 28 / $125

Erik Davis / September 17 - November 11 / $120

Well, it may have gone a little quiet during the summer semester in the main forum (or maybe that’s just because I have STFU) but MLA has plenty of goodies for The Fall, including a new experiment, self-directed courses. These will run without a tutor/facilitator, and the syllabus will cover similar ground to previous courses, offering a chance for students to continue work on the material, on their own.

Now His Serene Absence has moved on to higher pursuits this seems like a great chance to help amplify and complete his work. The Tale of the Tribe course will include and expand upon work RAW originally offered in two of his courses: The Ideogrammic Method, and The Tale of the Tribe.

The first two S-D offerings are Robert Anton Wilson's Tale of the Tribe and Philip H. Farber's Meta-Magick.

MLA Self-Directed Course - Tale of the Tribe

An Interactive Exploration
with Robert Anton Wilson

10 week access to S-D Course Site
For more info, $60

Derived from Robert Anton Wilson's landmark MLA courses 'The Ideogrammic Method' and 'Tale of the Tribe,' this self-directed course bridges the political, the social and the psychological in a mix only Wilson conjure. Starring Ernest Fenollosa, Ezra Pound, Alfred Korzybski, James Joyce and Buckminster Fuller -- the nucleus of the extraordinary minds that have helped shape the information age of 21st century and the mindscape of Robert Anton Wilson. Follow RAW through the labyrinths of Joyce and Pound as we learn to perceive/conceive in non-Aristotelian categories and join the Global Village.

MLA Self-Directed Course - Meta-Magick

Where Magick Meets the Brain
with Philip H Farber

10 week access to S-D Course Site
For more info, $55

NB: for students who already participated in these courses, I believe you may get a reduced price, email Admin for advice on this.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

And so dear friends, you'll just have to carry on...

...the dream is over... [John Lennon - God - 1970]

For full details of MLA activities you can always subscribe to the newsletter (check out Deep Leaf Productions or the Maybe Logic Academy links on the right) but we have a lot of interesting courses coming up this year, as well as a slightly different way of structuring things.

Update: MLA v 4.0 went live at

MLA has now got some areas open to the public, details on the link above, but in brief:

MLA campus and features are organized via three levels of access: Public, Registered, Student. Anyone can visit the site with access to the RAW Library, Info-Cache blog, Maybe Quarterly, MLA Forum (read only), etc. And anyone can also register with the site which enables one to post in the Public Forum, contribute to site content like Info-Cache blog, web archive, MQ, Public (chat) Lectures, etc. However only students have access to MLA student features like Personal Messages, Chat room, full MLA Forum, etc.

Semester System

MLA 4.0 begins the semester system. It's pretty simple: there are 6 courses from 2007 January - June; and six from July - December. If you take a Semester One course, you have full MLA Student Access through Semester One. If you enroll in a Semester Two course you'll have student access through Semester Two. Full 2007 student access is granted if you enroll as a full time student to either of the semesters.

2007 MLA Semester One

Inner Compass - Starhawk, Jan 29 - March 11
Timothy Leary - RU Sirius, Feb 26 - April 27
Mavericks of Medicine - David Jay Brown, March 19 - May 13
Earth As Teacher - Starhawk, April 23 - June 3
Angel Tech - Antero Alli, May 21 - July 15
Buddhist Tantra - Jonathan Landaw, June 18 - July 29

2007 MLA Semester Two

Goddess Path- Patricia Monaghan, July 16 - Sept 7
Crowley Tarot - Lon Milo DuQuette, Aug 13 - Sept 30
Visionary Art - Erik Davis, Sept 10 - Nov 4
Technologies of Persuasion - Douglas Rushkoff, Oct 1 - Nov 25
Astrologik - Antero Alli, Oct 29 - Dec 22
Altered States - Philip H Farber, Nov 26 - Jan

To think, that in 2004 Bob taught all the courses going!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Bruce Eisner's Vision Thing - RU Sirius podcast

Just added a link to Bruce Eisner's Vision Thing [right of the screen]. He has lots of stuff that might interest Maybe people...Sounds like family.

e.g: RU Sirius Podcast -- Tribute To The Still-Very-Much Alive Writer Philosopher Prankster Robert Anton Wilson

RU Sirius Radio Show #78: Robert Anton Wilson Lives!
[first section on Borat - UK Prankster aka Ali G. The RAW section starts at about 17:23]

We talk about the great writer/philosopher/prankster Robert Anton Wilson with Lance Bauscher, director of the documentary “Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson” and the force behind the “Maybe Logic Academy.” And we talk to Eric Wagner, author of “An Insider’s Guide to Robert Anton Wilson.” And best of all, Bauscher brought in some reading/performances from the upcoming audio book version of The Illuminatus Trilogy!, which will be released by his Deepleaf Production company.
Ken Campbell with BobHear Ken Campbell reading the audio book! Yeh! He put the stage show of Illuminatus! on in London

You can see Ken with RAW here - and what about this letter from Ken Campbell!


Member of the NEW TRAJECTORIES webring