Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cousins and A Graduation

So what have I been busy with?

My sister, BIL and niece had to come home last February to pay their last respects to my BIL's mother who passed away. Despite the sad circumstances of their homecoming, we were still able to enjoy our brief moment together. Expectedly, it left me and my household in a flurry of activities. Combine this with my kids'school activities, I'm quite amazed I survived it all! Something's got to give though and thís included my yoga and (sniff!!) scrapping.

It would have been great for the 2 older boys to have come home too but only my niece was able to tag along. Jennifer is 12 years old, loves shopping, girly stuff and whoa!!! Marian Rivera!!! She couldn't get her fill of seeing MR's face in most of the billboards around the Metro. She was dying to watch her live. Sadly, there was no opportunity for that so we just gave her a magazine with Dingdong Avanzado to bring home. he-he... Was she so kilig!!!

I dedicate this layout to Jennifer.

If you haven't been to Lasting Impression in a long time like I have you'll be in for a mouthwatering surprise! The latest collections from Websters'Pages are here! There's Lullaby Lane, Garden Gala, Seaside Retreat and Life's Portrait. I do adore Websters' Pages! I'm just itching to scrap my stash.

Here's a page I did to document my DD's graduation last March. She's done with grade school and is about to enter the exciting life of high school. We're really proud of her. I used Websters Pages' Nature's Storybook line here.

Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for the materials used in the about layouts. October Afternoon and Websters' Pages are available at the store. Happy summer to all of us!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Was Hacked!!!!

It's been quite a while since I visited my blog. I couldn't bring myself to start blogging again. Even my scrapbooking is experiencing it's own El Nino dry spell.

Early this year, both my Yahoo! and Facebook accounts were hacked by someone who had nothing better to do. I lost all my contacts and couldn't access my accounts. The hacker wrote a letter to all my contacts claiming that I was "trapped" in London with no money, no credit card and unpaid hotel bills. This bogus "me" then asked help from readers by sending $1,000!!! Imagine that!

Even worse was this hacker claimed my FB account, went online and even chatted with my friends. The hacker chanced upon my daughter then started chatting with her. She got so scared that she immediately signed off. The gall!! I immediately contacted Yahoo! and FB but unfortunately, they couldn't (or I would say WOULDN'T) do anything about it. Up to NOW!

I had to temporarily keep this blog private because my Yahoo! ID included an icon that directs them straight here. I was thinking that if they couldn't access this blog then they would think twice as to the legitimacy of that email asking for money.

Well, life goes on and I've opened a new Yahoo! and account. I've also opened a gmail account as a back-up email. I am still overwhelmed by the task of having to reconstruct the addresses of my previous contacts. Oh well, I guess one thing at a time. Oh. btw, maybe you can think of changing your password to an alpha-numeric one right after reading this. And try to have different passwords for the sites that you visit. You never know when you'll get hacked....

p.s. Thank you again to ALL you people who cared enough and informed me thru text and phone that my account was hacked. I must have received 1,001 calls that fateful night. The first one who called me was April Lim. Thank you!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It Was a Great Christmas for Us!

Hope yours was great too!!!! Here's looking forward to a brighter New Year! Cheers to all of you!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


It's almost Trick & Treat again! That eagerly awaited time of the year when young (and even old, too!) children walk around our village holding pumpkins and bags to get loads & loads of sweets, treats & whatnots. I kid you not when I say that the amount of candies my kids bring home will surely make our family dentist just throw up her hands in surrender. You just can't imagine how they'll be able to finish the loot.

So what I do is divide & conquer! They get to choose the candies they like then I give away the rest. The candies they get to keep should fit one (just 1!) pumpkin. I collect the candies (usually mint & gum), share a few with the househelp while the rest are given to street children.

For a Halloween idea, I made these cute candy containers using scraps I had left over from my project. Aren't they just cute? My DS saw them and said that he just can't wait for Halloween. Happy Halloween to all!

Materials used for the projects here are available at Lasting Impression. Check out their gallery.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

My Baby

I hope you enjoyed the video I just posted. We sure all need cheering up after Ondoy devastated major parts of the country just last weekend. I loved that video so much that I posted it here in my blog. Watching it makes me yearn to have another baby. God forbid though! I'll just wait for my first grandchild in about 20 or so years. lol!!!

Here's my latest LO of my "baby" & I for Lasting Impression using new gorgeous 7 gypsies products. The photo here was taken by my brother, Arthur, at a cousin's wedding at Calaruega. He shoots with a Nikon. Thanks for the picture, Brother!!!
Materials used for this layout are all available at Lasting Impression. Please check out their gallery here.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Anti-Depression Video

My FB friend posted it yesterday. It's guaranteed to lift your blues away!!!! Have a happy day!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

DD's Photoshoot

Tsk...tsk... sorry for neglecting this blog. I have a few layouts that I've yet to post. Been busy with activities at my daughter's school. She graduates this school year and will be off to high school next.

Sigh.... Can't imagine that just a few years ago, she was once a tiny delicate baby girl who was our own little princess. Now she's in her teens and I do hope she'll be able to cope with all the challenges of this new phase in her life.

Journaling: We had a practice session at home in preparation for your Grade 7 graduation yearbook photo shoot. Good thing we did because on the day of the actual shoot, you sat and posed like a PRO! Good job!

Materials Used: Papers from the Teenage Angst Collection (isn't it appropriate!) by We R Memory Makers

Layout created with materials available at Lasting Impression. Do check it out!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Collage Press Layouts

I'll always cherish this recent picture of my mom with all her grandkids (U.S. based not included). This was taken at Moon Garden located in Tagaytay City. We had a great weekend escape then. We attended a wedding out of town and at the same time celebrated my Mom's arrival. How I wish these kids could spend more time with their Grandma.

For these layouts, I used the Sweet Shoppe Collection from Collage Press. Yummy pinks and oranges! Cool combination! This line is of course available at my favorite LSS, Lasting Impression. Here's another layout of my niece from the Sweet Shoppe Collection. Btw, the sticker embellishments are from Pink Paislee.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Websters' Pages

Do check out the latest Webster's Pages papers available at Lasting Impression. Aside from "Hello Beautiful" (pictured here), the other lines "A Sweet Life" and "Magical Wishes" are also available. I'm really, really so happy it finally came. Please swoon with me....

It's just fitting that I make a layout of my mom using Websters' Pages. I chose an undated black & white picture of her which is prominently displayed in her room. I just scanned a copy for my layout. My mom estimates that this was taken during her pre-teen years so this is circa 1940's.

To match the vintage-y feel, I sprayed Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist on the base paper as well as the flowers. Here's a closer look....
Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for more inspiration.

Good To Be Back

Just came home from a wonderful vacation at the beach. If only we can stay longer....