Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label halloween. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2009


It's almost Trick & Treat again! That eagerly awaited time of the year when young (and even old, too!) children walk around our village holding pumpkins and bags to get loads & loads of sweets, treats & whatnots. I kid you not when I say that the amount of candies my kids bring home will surely make our family dentist just throw up her hands in surrender. You just can't imagine how they'll be able to finish the loot.

So what I do is divide & conquer! They get to choose the candies they like then I give away the rest. The candies they get to keep should fit one (just 1!) pumpkin. I collect the candies (usually mint & gum), share a few with the househelp while the rest are given to street children.

For a Halloween idea, I made these cute candy containers using scraps I had left over from my project. Aren't they just cute? My DS saw them and said that he just can't wait for Halloween. Happy Halloween to all!

Materials used for the projects here are available at Lasting Impression. Check out their gallery.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Tis the Season

.... for all sorts of viruses, that is.

Youngest DS was hospitalized last week due to a viral infection. DS suddenly suffered diarrhea and when it didn't get get better after a day I quickly hauled him for a check-up. At the hospital, he was given medicine which he promptly threw up. Better safe than sorry so we agreed to have him confined. The diagnosis? Severe gastroenteritis which the doctors (and nurses) claim to be specially common during the months of October to December. We stayed 3 nights & 4 days and I must say that DS was absolutely bored. He was actually feeling better on the Day 2 but we wanted to be on the safe side. On the Day 3, DS was already shouting, singing and playing with his dextrose stand just to occupy himself. Thank God he was cleared for release on Day 4!

Good thing too because I was able to catch Lasting Impression's 2nd aniversary celebration last November 15. The very nice & talented April Lim taught a class on how to make a calendar. I do appreciate all the many great (and practical) techniques shared by April. My favorite was how to use double-sided tape! You can use it to put glitter on chipboard, tie down a ruffled lace without sewing for that so in look, make a flower, etc. I can't wait to try it all out. Aside from that, I was able to snag a few of Lasting Impression's new stuff. Yummy, yummy!.

Here's DS celebrating his favorite holiday of all.... Halloween. Every year, he eagerly awaits it. He looks forward to it even more than Christmas. I used Teresa Collins' Spooktacular line and Scrapworks Shimmer Shapes which I got for a huge discount at the store. Wink!