Showing posts with label multi-photo layouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label multi-photo layouts. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Layouts

Here are some layouts that I haven't posted. I decided to use "old" paper from my stash. Really feels good to see the pile go a bit lower. Hmmm.... about 10 more feet to go. lol!!!!

Funny coincidence though, just this morning I saw a sketch challenge over at Scrappinkids with an uncanny resemblance to my layout. Hmmmm.....can I join?

And here is my DS (again!) at the dentist. He just loves visiting Dr. Angie! How I wish he'll have a better set of pearly whites

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The More Photos, The Better (For Me, That Is....)

Helps cut through my huge backlog. I have so many pictures in my photo box. And that doesn't even include those in my hard disk! I'm glad though that I'm slowly regaining my scrapping mojo. Here are a few layouts that I've completed this week.

This is a carry over of my "green" layout fix. I love green!

This next layout captures all the activities we did on March 2, 2008. We went to Manila Ocean Park, had lunch and a great dessert. It was a great family day!

Here's another one showing my goofy DS having fun with my DD at the village park. Unfortunately, my DD hardly goes there anymore. She says she's no longer a kid! Sigh! And finally, this is the latest layout I made for Lasting Impression using Daisy Bucket Designs. It's a layout of my DD feeding the lovable & gentle elephants in Bangkok. We even saw an absolutely cute baby elephant which DD wanted to bring home. They were soooo cute....just don't mind the smell.... Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for materials used in the layout.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Of Owls and Multi-photo Green Layouts

One of Sassafras' latest lines, Pocketfull of Rosies, just begs to be cut, cut, cut.... I thought that adding embellishments would be over-the-top so I kept it to a bare minimum. I absolutely adore the owls!!! Don't they look wise and kooky at the same time?
Here's another LO using Sassafras papers. The ink on my printer failed to come out when I printed the photo for the first time. I flipped the photo paper & on the second try, it finally came out good. I then decided not to cut out the first prints to put emphasis on the title. Isn't it neat?
Know one way sure way to lessen your backlogs? Try multi-photo layouts. Guaranteed to cut through the pile. And by coincidence, my latest LOs are green. Hey, as in the color. lol! I had no idea that I've been leaning toward green LOs until I took pictures of them this morning.

1) Remember our Baguio trip? My DS was walking around with a P&S camera and I wanted to show him the shots that he took. A lot of his shots are blurry but from where I sit, I'd say that his compositions are not bad for a four-year old. Please indulge the proud Mama. LOL!!2) The pictures of DS feeding fish in Tarlac were practically begging to be scrapped but I just had to have the right paper. Good thing I found it the Scenic Route Grafton line of pp at Lasting Impression. Just love the fish pattern.

3) And finally, a layout of my DS during his first day in Big School! Sniff... How time flies!!!
Please check out Lasting Impression's gallery for the materials used in the above layouts.