Thursday, June 25, 2009

Back When You Were 3

The school where my 2 boys go declared a 2-week suspension of classes due to the AH1N1 (It's-one-in-one... as pronounced by our Pinoy Boxing Champion). They go back to school on July 6 so there goes the peace & quiet I enjoyed for just 1 short week!! My DD's the only one going to school and she says it's unfair. lol!!!

Youngest DS says that he'll go to the park everyday to play while school's out. As a remembrance, here's a layout I made of DS at the village park when he was just 3 years old. I used the new Sassafras Anthem papers available at Lasting Impression. I just love Sassafras! It's so playful and colorful! More please!!!

It's been quite a while since I've made a mini so I decided to do one to finish off my Sassafras Anthem stash. I've a quite a few (ok, a lot!!) small-sized photos of DS in my photo box. I decided to use random pictures of DS from the age of 2 to 5. To tie it all up, I used the DaisyDs "This Boy Descriptive Words".

Materials used are available at Lasting Impression. Please check out their gallery & online store now! Thanks for looking!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Of Weddings & Pearls

It's the month of June and of tadah!!!..... weddings. The family attended a cousin's wonderful wedding last May in Calaruega in Batangas. Well, she was 2 days short of being a June bride but I guess that counts. I made a special layout to mark that special day. Oh not of the bride but of my mom and my aunts. The story later. First, a short tutorial.

Do you have this in your stash?

I got a the metallic set ages ago at Lasting Impression and like a few things in my stash, I totally forgot about it and let it just sit in the drawer for the longest time. Last week, I was in the mood to do some embossing and decided to resurrect my Perfect Pearls.

Before you start, be sure to read the instructions carefully in the packaging and you'll be amazed with the results. I decided to try out a vintage-y layout with some shimmer using the new 7Gypsies Gypsy Market line from Lasting Impression & this is how I did it:

1) Mix gold embossing powder (TopBoss) with a smattering of the Perfect Pearls. It said that "a little goes a long way" so let's see... You may also use clear embossing powder.

2) Stamp the title using Versamark Watermark Stamp Pad.

3) Dust the stamped image with the powder mix.

I also tried it out on the flowers....

....and the photo corner...

4) Using a heat gun, apply a little heat on the stamped images and embellishments. You can sprinkle a little more powder for a added more bling.

And here's my layout which I call "Golden Girls". I decided to make the title a bit subtle. It's barely peeking through the frame pp. It's a picture of my Mother with my 2 aunts and cousin at the wedding. They're really very close and have gone through a lot together: widowhood, empty nest syndrome, not to mention the menopausal years. Lol!!
Here's another layout which used Pefect Pearls on the flowers. It's a picture of my Mom taken on October 16, 1956 when she was about to turn 18! (God bless her for remembering to write the date at the back of the photo) She's the 3rd one from the right. I never thought my Mom could dance.... Gee, don't they all look pretty here. There's really something about old photos that I really love! It's magical to me! A closer look....
Thanks for indulging me!

Materials used in the layouts are all available at Lasting Impression. Please check out their online store!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Are You Ready?

Learn new techniques and make fun projects using products from W R Memory Keepers, Cosmo Cricket, and Sassafras Lass's newest lines as well as products from Maya Road, Making Memories, American Crafts, Collage Press, Daisy Ds, My Mind's Eye, Fancy Pants and Scenic Route!

We have only 24 slots available.Class fee is Php 1,350.00 inclusive of:
* Class kit containing more than 15 different papers, embellishments, stickers and rub-ons from different manufacturers, good for 5 projects (with lots of extras!!! :D)
* 2 discount coupons exclusive for class participants ( 1 - 20% off coupon valid on new arrivals, 1 - 30% off coupon valid on all items except new arrivals, non transferable and good only on June 27)
* Lunch and snacks
* Early shopping advantage! (doors open at 8:30am for class participants, 9:30am for regular shoppers)
* 2 choices of kits (Girl or Boy kit)

Please deposit your payment to:
Bank: BPI
Account Name: Lasting Impression
Account Number: 4790-0013-84
Branch: Benavidez Branch

Slot will only be considered reserved if payment is made on or before June 26, 2009. Please fax your deposit slip together with your name and kit preference to 254-9016 Attn: Vivian. Please bring your deposit slip on the day itself.

Btw, class instructors will be the very gorgeous and talented April Lim, Mia Caniza & yours truly. Hope to see yo all!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

FREE Photo Editing Class!

FREE Photo Editing Class!

Classes start on July 6, 2009. I can't wait!!! Thanks, Jessica!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Time to Hit the Books

My kids were supposed to start school this week but since there's a growing apprehension regarding the spread of the A-H1N1 flu, I have another week to enjoy their company. Oh so NOT!!!! lol! I want them back in school so that I'd finally have peace and quiet in the house! Arrrggghhhh!!!!

My youngest DS was the only one who got disappointed in hearing that classes were moved back another week. He's really excited to find out who his classmates in PREP will be. Aside from that, he's excited to use his new roller bag in school. Here is my youngest in a layout I made a while back. He's trying out his hand at reading and writing. Oh, I can't wait for school to start. Might have more time to scrap!!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

And Something for Father's Day

Everyday, I thank the Lord for all the blessings He has given me and my family. I thank him for my husband and my children. I also never fail to thank my kids' guardian angels who watch over them 24/7. Everything's so good and so right! I do love my family! And to the best father my children could ever have, Happy Father's Day!!! (SEI, 7gypsies & Pink Paislee papers; Rouge de Garance rub-ons all available at Lasting Impression)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

More Layouts

Here are some layouts that I haven't posted. I decided to use "old" paper from my stash. Really feels good to see the pile go a bit lower. Hmmm.... about 10 more feet to go. lol!!!!

Funny coincidence though, just this morning I saw a sketch challenge over at Scrappinkids with an uncanny resemblance to my layout. Hmmmm.....can I join?

And here is my DS (again!) at the dentist. He just loves visiting Dr. Angie! How I wish he'll have a better set of pearly whites

Monday, June 1, 2009

Lesson Learned

My family and I just came back from from a fantastic weekend! We attended the beautiful and very intimate wedding of my cousin at Calaruega then proceeded to Hacienda Isabella for the fantastic reception. Both places were absolutely beautiful! The scenery around Calaruega and the chapel itself was so beautiful, I wanted to cry! And as we walked around Hacienda Isabella, I kept wishing and praying that we'd win the lotto so that we'd have our own dream place away from the city as well.

So where are the pictures, you ask? Well, I checked my camera paraphernalia the night before because I knew I'd take tons of beautiful pictures. Things to check: camera, camera battery, flash, flash battery, remote... all CHECK! When we got to the chapel I was all excited and got everything ready. My cousin was just starting to march into the chapel.... Ready, set, turn on my camera.... Whoa!


And why do I bother writing about this? Well, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment. And I do believe there's a lesson to be learned here somewhere. lol!!!!

postscript: Our family stayed overnight at a beautiful bed & breakfast place in Tagaytay City. We then visited Moon Garden (sigh!!) for luch. Will write about this next time, after I steal some photos from my brother, Arthur, who brough along his Nikon.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Last Summer Layouts

Oooohhh, methinks I opened a Pandora's box because of my last post. Please let me correct any notion that I am referring to a particular person/s. If you feel alluded to, I'm very, very sorry but I actually just wrote about who else, but.... ME! lol! My previous post is a REAL story! I bought a Cutterpede when I was perfectly happy with the scissors I got from National Bookstore. I was also using a CARL paper trimmer which by the way does an excellent job but I still bought the MM Precision cutter. They did cost an arm & a leg but I've been very happy with them and never regretted making those decisions.

However, after several years of scrapping, I have to admit that I've also made a few uhm, shall we say, wrong "investments". Todate, I think my worst purchase was the Basic Grey Notch & Die Cutting Tool. I think I just used it twice and haven't touched it since! I'm also ashamed to admit that I bought a few Sizzix dies that I don't even touch now. Anybody out there want to share their booboo buys? Please let me know. I'd feel much better knowing that I'm not alone. lol!!!

Speaking of going back to basics, may I just share a very simple layout using Fiskars Textures Plates. It might seem jurassic to some but I thoroughly enjoyed using my stylus and dry embossing the design on the paper. Anyone have these babies buried deep in their scrap drawer? Why don't you take them out and play with them? Made a total lot of difference for me! Oh, I used GCD Studios for this layout. Please check them out at Lasting Impressions.

Here's a closer look. I just glued the string in a wavy pattern, cut out triangle for the ribbon and voila!

If sometimes you find the cost of having pictures developed a bit steep, why not try editing a series of photos and converging them in 4r or 3r sizes. As an example, the series of photos here of my DS putting on this shirt was captured in just two 4r pictures. Think of the big savings you can make by using your photo editing programs!
The above layout used Pink Paislee and Sassafras papers. Please check them out at Lasting Impressions.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Back to Basics

Show me a scrapper and I'll show you a person who's really into gadgets. And maybe trends? When a newbie scrapper dives into the craft of scrapbooking she'll need the essential tools: scissors, adhesives, cutter & ruler, most probably purchased from the neighborhood bookstore. She hurries home in gleeful ecstacy with the precious stash and gets right down to serious business. After delving deep into the creative process as evidenced (hopefully) by a handful of layouts, the newbie then decides that her tools need to be upgraded. And pronto! The perfectly good pair of scissors will be exchanged for one with a pointed tip, non-stick blades, spring action and comfort grip for ergonomic comfort. How else can she precision cut through the intricate design on the patterned paper? Never mind if it costs an arm & a leg. Besides, at the last crop she went to at the LSS everyone was using it!

And don't let me get started on the cutter. When I started scrapping in 2005, everyone brought along the single-bladed portable paper trimmer to crops. Then it quickly evolved: self-sharpening blades, multi-shaped blades, magnetic surfaces, foldable, etc. Now there are guillotine cutters which guaranty to effortlessly cut through wads of paper, including your fingernails & fingers if you're not careful....OUCH! The downside? It's humongous, weighs a ton and takes up all the surface space of your cropping area. Oh well, you'll argue with anyone who dares that it's STILL a good buy and hence takes up a special corner in your already crowded scrapping nook.

Scrappers can't get enough. They continue about their merry way creating art with their new-found tool. Until a new product comes along. They'll curiously look at it, investigate, then maybe try it out. Whoa! This is fantastic!!! I just have to have it!!! Then they'll fret, whine, obsess and justify the latest acquisition. Happiness is getting the new IT product! Well, for some....

In a perfect world (and a recession-free economy) it would be great to be able to continually upgrade one's gadgets and stash as new (and better) ones come along. Besides, it's all for the scrappers' good, right? Some may agree and quite a handful will argue with this. Who needs a new cutter when the old one works perfectly well? And what's the difference between your high-tech scissors from the ones your Mom used for all her crafts? Engaging in a discussion will be endless and arguing about it is pointless. To each his own, I always say.

Scrapbooking is a billion dollar industry and the last few years has seen its rise to stellar heights. Manufacturers and their design teams were falling over each other to offer the latest and the "best". And we, scrappers were only to willing to embrace these trends. But right now everyone feels the pinch and the scrapbooking industry is not exempt. When income is tight, the first to go are leisure & craft activities. And if consumption falls production quickly follows suit. At present, the industry is facing a major shakedown. Some major players have already closed shop or simply merged with other companies for survival. Rationalization is the name of the game. Just recently, one of my favorite magazines, Simple Scrapbooks, closed shop. Making Memories will follow suit by the end of the year. Wonder who's next?

So where to now, scrapper? Are we finally free from the manufacturers' "trends" and go down to the essence of scrapbooking? Don't despair because as long as there are memories, there'll be something to scrap about. One doesn't always need to have the newest product to be able to complete a beautiful layout. To each his own, again I say. And we can always go back to where we started: some talent, a lot of chutzpah and a good pair of scissors from the neighborhood bookstore.