Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Saturday, March 20, 2010

today is my Mum's Bufday..

mak n ayah wif thier 1st grand daughter

hye is my mum's be axact 57yrs old.

i luv u so much for taking care kchaq,kchik, abg, me, kakak, zai(she also post special entry to mak) and ayah as well

u are such great women

handling ur daughters n son without any complaint

a good wife to ayah

i've learned a lots from u..

i luv ur attitude

hope u will always in good health

May Allah swt bless u and our family..

i luv u 'mak' forever


Monday, February 22, 2010

SUPRISED..!!!!ade gaya Eric x ?

haha..mst korg ngah blogwalking kan..sejak2 byk tips utk increase traffic ni ramai btul org blogwalking ek...jom kte check blog mne yg bg tips..zasss

Great Teacher Onizuka - byk btul tips dr beliau en.GTO.utk beginner mcm ni mmg bagus tuk increase traffic beside bleh gak kenal2 bloggers lain. klu korg nk tau tips drpd GTO sila lah ke sana.satu jepun GTO tadahkan..;)
bloggers lain pun ade byk gak tip2 utk increase traffic but aku xprnh tgk lg.yg aku slalu buka blog si GTO ni la..

ok2..nk cte benda lain tp tulis nye lain.ape daaaaa...cte psl SUPRISED td..cmni, hr sabtu aritu aku pun duk jln la kat blog adik aku zai .dah tu dia tanye dah buka blum?aku tanye buka ape..pastu dia ckp ni mst xtgk lg ni.lorrhh..tgk ape plak dah.haru biru btul..bnda ape la dia ckp ni...then dia suh p chek luggage aku pun berlari-lari penyu ke blik tgk isi beg

heheh..birthday card tuk aku from my luvly sis put in my luggage b4 i blik aritu.even its just a birthday card i really appreciate it(mst org ckp eleh bufday card pun nk tayang)..suka ati aku la kan.

so, there r wishes on the card from my family( even xckp korum)..ayah,mak,kcik,kakak n deknab a.k.a zai..i luv u damn so much..

huarrrggghh..dah ngantuk.okla..gud nite everybody.mau tdo..daa