Showing posts with label Jack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jack. Show all posts

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

What a sight!!!!

2nd Feb 09

This is the sight which greeted me when I got home from work this afternoon (had to finish early and send all the children home from nursery due to worsening weather conditions!!!!)
thought I would share these pics with you all.......we havn't seen snow like this in our area since i was about 11! lol and i'm nearly 30 (well in 29 days!!!!!)

Jack rolling the snowman's head!

Daddy rolling the snowman's body!

gathering body parts!!!!!

yeah a snow blobby thingy.....!!!

The ensuing mega snowball fight when snowy blobby thingy gave up his exsistence to become snowball backups lol!!!

Back soon with some cards!!
Emma xxx

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Wiff of joy challenge #13 Sketch

This is the first time I have joined in the Wiff of Joy Challenge and its a tiny
( ok huge!!!) celebration today i became the proud owner of my very own WOJ stamp so I used Henry on my card which is also very special as its for my little boy Jack who will be 7 tommorow (where does the time go!) and he loves cute stuff so will love this image, no doubt I will have to stamp a few for him to colour lol!!!

So in time honoured tradition

'Happy bithday to you,

happy birthday to you,
happy birthday dear Jack,
happy birthday to you"
thanks for looking ...
Emma xxx

Thursday, 4 December 2008

Busy Bee

Bit of a waffly post i'm afraid I have been very busy this week getting things ready for the stall I have at my friends christmas fair too busy to post...but not too busy to blog hop lol! ...........keep up the good work everyone! .

This stall started out as a christmas card stall but it hasnt stopped there i'm afraid. I got a little carried away and thought it would be nice to sell some chritsmassy bracelets too so i hopped over to ebay spent a few pounds on beads and bells and voila......thought these would be nice for the little fairy princesses at the fair.....

I also had a brain wave in the middle of Tesco's (dangerous i know!) but i had it non the less when i saw these cute wooden reindeer at.......wait for it!!! 50p for 12!!!! so of course i bought 5 boxes (like you do) and though i would glitter them up with my stickles and put them on my stall!........
Then Jack aked me if we were getting any "sparkly reindeer food" this year, last year we made reindeer food by mixing dry rolled oats with glitter then you sprinkle it on your path and doorstep so the reindeer will smell the oats and santa will see the glittery path to your house!!!

Soz about the ff stamp in background but i needed to prop it up for photo lol!!

It has a little poem attatched to it too.

"Be sure to take this magic food and sprinkle on the lawn,
On Christmas, Santa's reindeer travel miles before the dawn,
The smell of oats and glitter path will guide them on their way,
and you'll wake up to santa's gifts next morn on Christmas day".

Jack loves sprinking the magic food then getting a cookie,carrot and milk ready for Santa and his reindeer!
Emma xxx