Showing posts with label the abyss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the abyss. Show all posts

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Abyss: The Other Side (1995)

I really have no idea why it is that I am just recently hearing about this band.  The Abyss is the black metal project of members of Hypocrisy, including the legendary Peter Tägtgren, Michael Hedlund and Lar Szöke.  Of course Hypocrisy was not quite as big as they are now (still pretty damn important though), but still, it is surprising that such a project remained somewhat obscure.

The music here is fairly representative of Swedish black metal in general, rather than sounding like Hypocrisy playing black metal.  There is obviously the dark and evil-sounding atmosphere that groups like Dissection perfected and it is generally much more focused on the riffs and the music, with fairly fast-paced songs.  It is similar musically to groups like Lord Belial, Naglfar, Marduk and Dark Funeral.  Just for good measure The Abyss tosses in a cover to Hellhammer's "Massacra". 

Where this release really surprises is it is not all punishing riffs all the time.  There are moments of genuine beauty and melancholy.  There is an extended sequence during "Tjänare Af Besten" where it is simply keyboard and guitar playing a tender and extremely pretty melody.  It happens more often than that, but those are the moments where this album truly shines. 

The Abyss did not last long.  They only put out one more album, but when Hypocrisy is the main band the members are in and one of the members is the incredibly busy Tägtgren, I guess that makes sense.  I do intend to check out that other release.  I am not sure why I have not heard of this band before, but I am glad I found them now.