New and Updated Research Guides from GlobaLex
GlobaLex, a very good electronic collection created by the Hauser Global Law School Program at the New York University School of Law, has published or updated a number of research guides recently:
- UPDATE: "Space Asset" Under the Space Protocol to the Cape Town Convention and the Related Issues Under International Space Law: "The ongoing privatization and commercialization of today's space industry creates more financial risks for private sector financiers, and the movable nature of space activities may cause legal uncertainties of the security interests. Given such situation, the 2001 UNIDROIT Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment (the "Cape Town Convention") and the 2012 Protocol to the Cape Town Convention on Matters Specific to Space Assets (the "Space Protocol") marked a significant development in harmonizing and unifying the rules of asset-backed finance for mobile space equipment. As a key term in the Space Protocol, the concept of "Space Asset" was for the first time introduced in the Cape Town Convention and defined under the Space Protocol, which may impact contemporary international space law that formed mainly from the UN space law treaties (the "five United Nations treaties on outer space") and principles (the "five United Nations declarations and legal principles"). This article will first explain and analyze the definition of "Space Asset", then further discuss issues related to this new concept, including the delimitation of outer space, the relationship between an Aircraft Object and a Space Asset, as well as the differences and similarities between Space Assets under the Space Protocol and a Space Object under the UN space law treaties."
- Researching International Labour Law (authors are Canadian librarians from Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario): "International labour law refers to the body of rules and principles concerning the relationship between employers, workers, and governments. This research guide provides a brief overview of introductory resources in international labour law and the major sources of law in this area. The primary responsibility for developing and implementing a system of international labour standards lies with the International Labour Organization (ILO), a specialized United Nations (UN) agency. As such, the ILO is a major focus of this guide. However, it should be noted that international labour law also includes regional sources of law as well as several UN treaties that establish state obligations in this area. These will be described in brief."
Labels: international law, treaties