Showing posts with label myself and I. Show all posts
Showing posts with label myself and I. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 November 2011


Today I have my first "one month" celebration since I opened my store. My very first one and more to come, I hope. In one month I had: 12 000 viewers on my blog Happy Decor Boutique  , 420 likes on Facebook, 3 features in different blogs, 1 article in a local newspaper, good sales,  lots of congrats from costumers and excitement from family and friends. I never thought that things will move this fast and people appreciate it so much. When I started the process of building this business I told my mom: even if I will have it open for 1 day it will worth the I can say: even if I will manage to keep it going till after Christmas, it will worth it.... let's see what will happen.  There are a lot of other things to be done but for now I'm pretty pleased of myself.
Thank you all who visited my store, who pressed the like button on facebook or read my articles. Have a lovely day and please share this with others. It will help me a lot.
bye bye

Sunday 11 September 2011

Deadly comb- Shabby Chic & Antique

Here I am in UK (Frodsham) enjoying a cup of tea, some peanut butter and listening to BBC 2 who are playing beautiful songs dedicated to those gone on September 11. I can't believe that 10 years have passed since the terrorist attack. Many of you probably already read about it and everybody is talking now, so I leave this subject behind. I would like to share some photos from yesterday. As mentioned in the previews post, I am passionate of Shabby chic and antiques. And when I find them in the same spot, it's hard for me to resist it. 
I really envy British people because they have their entire country filled with beautiful stuff. Every time I come here, I definitely have to buy something. That's way I never bring a lot of money with me, otherwise I will spend them all. This time I was focused in finding nice framed paintings; and of course I bought 4 small ones. There were so many other things which I wanted to have but money and space are an issue for me this time. When I have a craft store just across the street from the antique stores, than I have a big problem - choosing which one is more important. This time I have to supply my studio with craft tools which are so hard to be found in Romania.
Last 2 days were amazingly beautiful: sunny and warm. So I walked a lot, I drank Gin&Tonic in the garden, I fell asleep in a huge hammock and I cooked Chinese; what a life !?! Today some more shopping in Chester, which is a beautiful city. I will take some pictures and posted. I wish you a beautiful Sunday.


Monday 9 May 2011


We have a saying in Romania: "show me your friends to know who you are". It's so true. Friends are there for you no matter what, those with whom you have fun, with whom you feel free to be yourself without any judgment, those with whom you can share thoughts, hang out in weekends or on a holidays. Friendship is that feeling of freedom of expression and having fun every time you have them around you. In our days it's harder and harder to trust someone and to have friends. People are more jealous of your happiness and frustrated, and because of that they do not see you as you are but as they think you are. Few days ago someone laugh at me because of how I behaved with a friend . In the beginning I did not react, but thinking of it, a feeling of pity reached me; pity of those who laugh: they really do not know how is to have a real friend. A friend it's like a member of your family. You hug him, you kiss him, you tell him who much you care for him, you argue and forget, you cry and you miss him. Hmm. but I guess if they do not have affection in their own family then how can you ask to be sentimental towards their friends.
The best memories are build with your lover, family and friends. And I'm so lucky to have so many friends near me and at the distance who see me as I really am. They are the best because their goal in life is to have fun.
Do not forget that you bring people around with your personality and actions; but this can drive them away also.

Friday 1 April 2011

Cars and the way it influences your life

My parents left me their old car which it has at least 20 years already and let me tell you something: it doesn't look that bad after we gave her a make-over. Since we have this car we laugh every time we drive it. We make fun of the moments when it makes strange noises or when we start it and makes the entire neighborhood disappear in a big fog.Lucky my boyfriend goes to the gym so he can spin the wheel . It smells, it's huge and old etc ...but it's so much fun to drive it. This car which we call it "Batmobile" created unique moments which we will never replace or forget. I'm 99.9% sure that if we had a brand new car we wouldn't had the chance to laugh that much. This made me think of all those moments in time during childhood when half of the them were related with hard times but full of joy and fun. I've been sleeping in cold, eating horrible things, getting through physical challenges and pain; razed by a family which teach me how to manage things on my own, but those points in life although they were hard, they were surrounded by happiness also. I wish I could keep this thoughts every time I'm down or think that life didn't brought me enough money to enjoy life and hope that "you" ( who reads my blogs ) never think that only money will bring you happiness. No ... make it worth every single moment :with or without money.

Saturday 26 March 2011

Looking promising

{made by "Victor"}

Hello, how was your week? Mine was pretty busy and full of joy and things that needed to be done. As I mentioned in the previews email, I made a promise that I should "clean up" my life. So, I started with a mass movement of cleaning my flat. Me, my boyfriend and my parents we had one goal "to wash, mope, wipe etc. everything that came in our way". My mom and I we were the only one taking it father was the conductor who was never listen and my boyfriend was trying to keep up with lifting and taking things out of our way. After a full day in this rhythm we finally came to an end. My flat looks polished. I feel great. Spring is hear so I can easily open the windows and breathe "fresh air" ( it's too much to call it fresh air because instantly the dust is back as soon as you open the balcony doors or windows; but the intention is what matters). Of course I made a selection of things I do not need. What I will do with them, I'm not sure ( some I sold already to a friend, thank you friend ) and some I will post on my other Blog hopping someone will want to buy them ( they are in good conditions ) or wait for the "old clothes" Fairs in April.
The project it's still on and happy to see I take it serious. I posted o picture of mine, made few hours ago in town, going for a nice walk and meeting some friend , as we usually do in weekends.
Hopping you'll be there for me and sustain my cause.
Have a great Sunday and do not forget to be the best you ca be.