Never Ending Story

Salam and morning uols...

Dah hari selasa - ingat nak update semalam
tapi sibuk sbb masuk opis pun sekejap aje
by 1030am - iols dah keluar
sebab ada interview

ye...I'm still looking for a job
as of yesterday
alhamdulillah - the second interview went well
in fact - I got the job..

tho not what I really really dream of
tapi boleh lah... insyaallah will try to excel in it

new field - so banyak kena belajar
even the boss said that too
"you had a lot to learn - something new this time"
bidang yang sangat2 berbeza kekdahnya
22 years in oil and gas
now terjun ke perhotelan
terkujat system otak iols ye...

but it's ok - dah tua pun still belajar ye
learning is never ending story
tak kira - apa cara pun you still learning
even your daily life is learning process
you make mistake in your daily life
tho not always - but you do - no matter how small the mistake is
then you learn - to make it better
and not to make the same mistake again...
that is learning...

nampak kecik - tapi itu pembelajaran
kehidupan adalah pembelajaran - dalam bahasa melayu ye uols...

so learn! jangan kata dah tua "cukup2 lah"
kalo gitu bak kata bebudak zaman sekarang - "sila meninggal!"

Tu yg bebudak Gen Y kata lah
kalo orang tua2 - sokmo lembut lah
berlapik gitewwww....!~ ;P

whatever pun - a bit sedih gak lah
kat opis ni - walopon sokmonya iols sensorang
and working time is very-very-very flexible
but I just can't stay here
main reason - location lah... jauh gak lah
iols dok KL - opis kat Subang Jaya
naik train pun sejam gak lah...

tho i enjoy the time - one hour to myself
dok sumbat telinga - main crossword kat henpon
or reading my novel... penat ye uols..
heyyy....! iols dah tua ye... hehehehe
so travelling time tu memenatkan jugak lah...

second reason - about the pay
I'm looking for something better
ye lah - my kids dah membesar ye
along next year nak sambung study
walopon pun study dalam negara aje
yuran tinggi ya ampunnnn!

so faham2 aje lah ye...

banyak lagi reason nak tulis
tapi tetiba cam malas nak menyambung bebelan

abaikan lah mood menulis yg swinging tak tentu hala tu ye
ntah apa 2 jer kan
no wonder my blog idup segan mati tak mau
penulis nya pemalas kekdahnya uols
kah kah kah

boleh gitu - dok dah menaip
tetiba malas nak menyambung penulisan

Okay - dah dua minions muncul
time to stop - sambung buat keja uols
I'm still employed here - maka keja lah...
jangan nak update blog aje kan???

hopefully - in my new working place
iols berkesempatan update blog
keh keh keh

salam and adios
muahhhhhhhhh n muahhhhhhhh!~


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