
Didn’t notice until someone mentioned it while sitting in church. Looked at date, 17th. I was wearing green.

Wearing green

That observation led to another, see I haven’t blogged since January 1. Broke that resolution. Been ambivalent as I had privacy concerns after all that had been. It’s worse than I knew. For years, FSBOOK has been making updates, each time overriding individual’s privacy settings. In their data, complete message threads are stored. Not private when stolen. Neither is the contents of one’s phone. Not sure what will happen after justice is served. Couple thing I do, not share year of birth publicly, phone number only with close friends, location never. I do not post when I am at a place, maybe after, maybe never now. Delinked the blog a while back, removed a ton of likes long outdated. Network and personalities I liked in 2010 when I joined have changed mostly from what I learned in 2016 and after. I do not discuss politics there either as people have very strong opinions, share #provokatsiya #deza

Only do three things there, connect with friends and family, church and play FarmVille. None of these are amenable to discussing politics. That’s what Twitter is for.

Additionally, I have Adblock Plus and do not track settings to prevent FSBOOK from tracking me wherever I am. Deleted it, Messenger and Instagram from my phones, only have on one iPad and computer.

Big concern I have is people resorting to violence. From being called a “hater” on Fox News because I didn’t support a hateful person that insulted disabled, veterans and incited violence and being threatened first by Hannity then by people and bots on Twitter because I would not vote for him to the dreadful terrorist attack in New Zealand, it has only gotten worse. It won’t stop. Here’s a clue to why and what’s ahead.

For my Republican friends, I am not aligned with either party, preferring to follow the Prophet, love all, treat all with dignity and respect. There is no place for nationalism, racism, white-supremacy in my church. Excellent model to follow.

We can debate policy is a rational manner too, not with the name calling done in the past.

Posted in cats, digital freedom, elections, Idiotarians, liberty and privacy, life stuff, matters of faith, Treasonweasels | Comments Off on Green

New Year’s Resolutions

Invited over to friends last night for a get together, movie, lots of laughter but up too late as it was New Year’s Eve and I tend to do that then. So extra tired today. Had been napping. As it’s an annual tradition to blog my resolutions mostly cause it’s easy to find and easy to read, here goes.

Resolved: wish everyone a #HappyMewYear and a #HappyMuellerYear this will definitely be a Mueller Year aided by SDNY and EDVA courts. Never know when things Kurd go international as in ICC. Tis the treason.

Resolved: work on encouraging others to see the good in each other, learn to respect our differences and listen to each other. Sides, it would be boring if we were all alike.

Resolved: to continue to support Stand Up Republic in it’s mission to preserve democracy, fight for freedom, defend everything I swore an oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

Resolved: maybe blog more so I can not get so frustrated with this new editor.

More when I think of it.

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Tis The Season

They changed the editor to blocks, little confusing. Been away too long. After a family member unfriended me on Facebook over the last post, I lost interest in blogging. Usually only one friend actually read it. First time for family. But after much supportive comments for me, guess she didn’t understand. Took some time but my sister and I are texting.

Ritzi kneading

I have even invited my daughter over for Christmas dinner. She had a miserable Thanksgiving. Hope Christmas will be better.

Already been shopping. Ritzy will enjoy fresh cooked turkey too.

Debbie's dog exploring
Setting up home

Sis has a new home near her children and grandchildren where she belongs. She can have both her dogs with her too. Heaven except it’s cold. Had snow in October.

As to Facebook, I don’t share my blog posts with them or much of anything else. I check church stuff, friends but mostly play my game. Recommended by my neuropsychologist for memory and more fun than remembering laws like 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason

One big reason I don’t like Facebook is what it did with our data, always. Latest information here

I love Threadreaderapp. It allows me to share whole Twitter threads and even make PDF files out of them.

Finally getting the hang of these new blocks. Anyway, that’s all for now. Been a busy year for me on many fronts. And if I don’t post again soon Merry Christmas and Merry Muellermas all.

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Gone But The Memories

Finally a happy cat, she has me all to herself again.

I never told anyone the full reason I left home when I was younger. It wasn’t just a pleasant cross country motorcycle ride touring church history sites. It wasn’t even escaping mother who wanted to control me. That came later. I did know she didn’t take kindly to my investigating other religions and as I had a Mormon coworker who sparked my interest in investigating the church, I planned to wait until I left home. But…

My sister became ill. My mother knew of my coworker, his faith and that Mormons were good people. She was exasperated with the doctors and thought they could give guidance. So I accepted his invitation to go to church. I enjoyed it, didn’t recognized names and was told they were people from the Book of Mormon. One gave me a book and I took it home to read. I knew it was true even before hitting my pillow and greeted my coworker the next day. I said, “This book is true. I want to know more.” He arranged a meeting with the missionaries where I could just ask questions and gave me an index with topics. I came. I asked. I knew it was true but I had to take the discussions to learn about the faith first. One does not join in ignorance. That’s when it got interesting.

Mother asked me to take Debbie with me. We didn’t go to many when she came totally unglued and I had to sneak out to finish them. I couldn’t go out on Sunday at all cause Debbie would surmise I had gone to church and get furious. So I spent a weekend visiting a friend in the neighboring state but came back Sunday afternoon, hair slightly damp. I didn’t just attend church. Naturally, she came unglued. So I made my escape when they were off having a day in the city, museum or something. They did do that. I was safely out of state when they returned. Debbie wondered why I didn’t leave a message, maybe something coded in music I listened to. She wouldn’t have liked to know the real reason I left. Freedom of religion trumps staying with controlling people.

Now to this visit which did not go well. The years didn’t exactly soften hearts.

Previous visits had gone well so I had high hopes for this one. My sis finally visited, three year absence, one week after I had…

Wait for it…

Back surgery. It has been two months without blogging, two months of hard work. She insisted on having a clean room and bathroom. I did most of the work before the surgery. Still, there was a lot to do after like move into the back bedroom and get it habitable. Clean the kitchen which task I failed along with moving the stuff I had brought in from the garage to sort back out in the garage as I didn’t get it done. There were still piles and boxes of stuff that were Jill’s as there wasn’t space in her storage unit after she moved out. I was on a weight and activity restriction which was limiting.

She had stipulated at the outset her plans to stay with me were contingent on our getting along which after years of promising to help me, consisted in meeting her demands. It wasn’t just stuff but she ticked off numerous home remodeling projects which I hadn’t done before she came and will have to pay for myself. None was attempted either, not even opening a can of paint. She paid for the car rental so figured we were even on my covering everything else. I could not afford to do this 7 months of the year plus remodel the home. Needless to say I was disappointed. I understood her finances but had issues with her demands. She had planned to drive her car next trip saving on rental. Still, staying at someone’s home for over half a year and expecting them to meet your every demand is a bit much. More later.

Her first observation was her space was clean and nice, rest a mess and I was not helpless. She took over the kitchen and was after me to clean rather like a drill sergeant in the Army. She wore me out. When I did lay down on the sofa to watch TV, I was so tired I fell asleep. She had to check if I was still breathing. I was but breathing was very shallow. She tried waking me, yelling, fanning and the next day after she told me it didn’t work, gentle shaking. That didn’t work either. I had to explain hypopnea, not getting enough oxygen to the brain, without which I don’t respond. I also get depressed. More CPAP time helps and I even brought it into the living room so I would get enough oxygen.

She noticed I was having difficulties and demanded to know what meds I was on. I went to my doctors, had lots of labs done and they concluded she was stressing me out. And she in turn was overwhelmed by my medical appointments. I was also concerned as I got a large lump at incision site and continued to have pain, and worried my back surgery got messed up. That got checked too.

It gets better.

I tried to make the visit pleasant, nice dinners out or ordered in, kept her happy with lots of ice cream, gifted her with clothes, toured antiques shops, found TV shows she enjoyed so I thought. Due to medical appointments and excruciating pain I was not able to tour the state. One was close to weekend she wanted to go to Lake Havasu. When I told her, she came unglued.

Preview of coming attractions.

She did buy me a dishwasher and new microwave which I very much appreciated. Mine were 24 years old and didn’t work any more. The install didn’t go as planned. First installer refused, said pipes were corroded. Wonderful plumber neighbor, Lyle, checked them out. They were fine. On the day they were to come, Debbie wanted the counter cleaned off in case they needed to use it. So as I was cleaned it off, she kept hounding me to clean it off when I finally said to stop bitching at me. I was cleaning it off.

I was careful to not touch her recycling aside from mentioning they just need to be rinsed off, not scrubbed clean, water conservation in the desert. She scrubbed them anyway. I woke May 1 smelling something burning. I had explained no burn days to her to no avail. I came outside to find her burning the recycling on a no burn day, said she can’t burn and she said she was from Canada and didn’t know any better. I replied that as the property owner I will get cited anyway. She put out the fire.

Nicest thing she did was pay for and help shovel gravel in the front patio, bought and planted pretty plants. My neighbor, Greg, buried the pipe and did a lot of the work. She was pleasantly surprised how inexpensive it was too.

She surprised me by coming to church with me which she never did on previous visits not just once but every week. I thought things were improving as I had previously shared my testimony with her. And she had had stated she enjoyed the meetings, could see how we were nice people, acted on our beliefs. But then wonderful friends, the Coles, invited us over for games. The missionaries were there. We had a lovely chat. I even got to say how I felt. Games after were fun. But the next day she was angrily working on my recycling expressing she was upset I didn’t warn her they would be there. Her demeanor was as her children called it “angry psych nurse.” That was until the missionaries called. She exploded. She was furious.

So I was surprised she agreed to future game nights with missionaries there. But each time she gave me a stern talking to after accompanied with hours of icy cold demeanor. Eventually no missionaries but one Family Home Evening, brief video before games. That didn’t go over well either. Last visit was just games. I finally asked her why she came with me to church. She said to support me. I had been going over 40 years without any and didn’t need any. She stopped coming.

She did throw herself into removing my name from mail, carefully cutting out all instances of my name and when she tackled the boxes in the garage, she went through each magazine clipping for stuff she wanted. Stuff was so old all I wanted was the file folders, addresses so out of date they could just get chucked. I did mention one magazine she saved I had on my iPad. She didn’t have to and I would remind her it was hot and come in for some ice cream. She didn’t have to but maybe it was a way to get her anger out. She definitely was.

Friday she surprised me with a blistering attack on me. She demanded to know if she was coming back. I have given tons of stuff away including to charity that helps settle refugees but that didn’t make any difference. She said I was overwhelmed with it. She said I don’t care about anyone but myself. She said she talked to others who feel the same. I burn people out. She pointed out how one friend came down on me hard for my stuff. Friend was teasing, even mentioned her husband kept lots of papers. There was more but not detailing everything. Sticking the knife in, she equated me with the most self centered, vile, nasty individual I know of. Being disabled and a vet, mocking us didn’t go over well. I really wasn’t happy about that, felt terribly hurt actually. That is not how we should treat others.

Saturday she clarified. I was only like him in that one thing, being self centered, not caring about others. Oh that made me feel so much better – not!

And as she stated after all we did, the only thing she enjoyed was walking her dog, I declined going to the dog park with her. They don’t need me.

This was from a visit earlier in the week. Izzy was sniffing the miniature grayhound, beautiful, silky soft and friendly dog.

That evening after I returned from my meeting, she said I was like Dorothy, my mother, and needed to let it go. I wasn’t harboring hurt from years past, this was fresh after opening my home to her. It did get me to reflecting.

I didn’t say any more this morning before leaving for church, just thanked her for the nice things she did for me.

She hadn’t left when I returned from church so I scooped up the key as she wouldn’t be needing it. She won’t be coming back except to pick up her stuff whenever. She can call first.

Posted in Idiotarians, life stuff, matters of faith, neuro MS stuff | Comments Off on Gone But The Memories

Done Deed

After insurance denied my surgery, my doctor didn’t just say back to therapy, he went back to the radiology place that did the MRI, got different images and it got approved afternoon of surgery which by then was cancelled so it got rescheduled. It was done Tuesday. I am doing well.

For anyone curious, it was a right L4 5 hemilaminotomy, medial facetectomy, foraminotomy for decompression of right L5 nerve root. I can copy/paste from the PDF. Nice. I like this hospital, Banner University. Operative report was up day after surgery, all reports actually. Dignity Health required me to go to the hospital in person, go to Medical Records Department to get a password to access my records. But after doing so, all I could access was my outpatient doctor visits I already had access to. I was not happy.

Thankful that my MS specialist recommended the doctor he works with. He’s a good one. Course if it had been denied again, I had a backup plan. I had been feeling a little unstable and the foot drop came back. I didn’t bother the surgeon with that cause it had been approved without it. So, once cleared to twist and bend, I can exercise.

My sister will be here in a few days and joy, she took my advice and finally upgraded her iPhone 4. Trust me, it was time. This is her granddaughter Willow behind the balloon. First I saw the balloon but when I looked at it in Photos, I could see her briefly. Live photo, 3 second clip.

For those without an iPhone 7, here’s another shot. Actually from the 6s and up, Live Photo has been a feature.

So excited we both have iPhone 7’s.

I trust Apple is committed to my privacy. Latest OS update had privacy front and center. Here’s their statement. She had been undecided on the phone as her children had been pushing for her to get a Samsung. Android phone. Google data mines worse than Facebook, there is profit in it.

Unlike Facebook. Found this site from Twitter, interesting stuff the Brits have unearthed.

Just found this. Europe is giving teeth to protecting it’s citizens data. Won’t fly here considering Facebook and Cambridge Analytica played a big role in tRUmp’s win. Both his administration and Congress have been hard at work removing regulations, consumer protections even whistleblower protection in the tax bill they recently passed. And they will need all the help they can get to fight the Blue Wave coming in November. Sides they are too busy demonizing the FBI over #TrumpRussia.

Back to rest and recuperate. Tomorrow’s Easter and the second day of General Conference. Especially nice it’s broadcast on BYU TV so I don’t miss church recuperating from surgery.

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Absolutely Nothing

Just waiting, terribly tired. Very long story involves finding surgeon who would tackle my back, getting all the labs done, clearances from other doctors, setting the date – all of which have to be done before office contacts insurance for authorization and…

getting denied. Surgeon did a doctor to doctor consult with insurance company as authorizations not made by doctors, they follow a set script.

still denied. So surgeon sent MRI for insurance doctor to review. Waiting.

With my nurse cat.

I had hoped my sister would be here by the time I had surgery. That will wait too, delayed another month, paperwork, taxes, details. She finally sold her house and has enough to visit. I look forward to it very much. We had fun last couple times she was here and hope to do the same.

Mind you I am hardly bored, lots to do. Although I have neglected the blog, Pinterest, Instagram and unlinked Facebook (FSB), I do tweet. I had been looking forward to Fridays as they had the most heartwarming news. But it’s Wednesday and Hope gone.

Jared’s demoted, won’t be getting that TS/SCI Clearance job required, maybe it’s business. Appear he’s compromised, just imagine the NATSEC implications of that.

Some people can never get a break. Long ago, I was turned off by the nastiness. He still is. Absolute loyalty demanded to him not the Constitution. Wrong!

Expect things might get dicey as in my quest to filter out the nasty from my Twitter feed, came across some who felt Sessions referral to the IG a masterful stroke to be used as authorized under Section (e)(1) to arrest all tRUmp’s opponents.

The ones being indicted and arrested aren’t his opponents, they’re his campaign manager, staff. WH has become a circular firing squad.

Two more days. Time to stock up on popcorn.

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New Year’s Resolutions

Realized day was almost over and I failed to post them. I always do, may not keep them. I try. I did keep last’s year’s one resolution which was to breathe. Still breathing. A Whole lot has happened in the meantime starting with a major disaster last Jan 20. This year’s will be equally brief.

Resolved: wish everyone a #HappyMewYear and a #HappyMuellerYear

Ritzy kneading the new throw

My mew, sweet comfort for the trials ahead.

Posted in amuse me, cats, Idiotarians, liberty and privacy, life stuff | Comments Off on New Year’s Resolutions

Fixed It

While updating WordPress automatically, it failed and site was down. Not that it gets much traffic especially not posting since October. I had to update manually and that required getting Transmit on this computer. They had a new version so I just bought it. Easier than waiting a day to migrate the data. I did not do it when I set it up as that one had two users thanks to it being used and I didn’t want that here. I tried Migration Assistant and it was very slow, much faster to transfer what I want. Too much legacy stuff on there anyway. Got rid of the G5 applications some time ago but there just was a ton of stuff I didn’t need. Sides important stuff like passwords and mail, all 371,908 emails, were on it. Lots of spam to delete. Think I am off most of the lists that generated it.

As to why I got a new one, necessity. When the iMac G5 died, they were unable to replace it so got a deal on a 2009 iMac partly cause newer ones were coming out. When the display on that one died, it was considered vintage and no one, even place that advertised they fixed them, would. So I got a used late 2009 model off Amazon. Lately, it has been running hot and the fan runs full bore even when idle unless I put it to sleep and sometimes not even then. I’ve had to turn it off, reset the SMC, then back on every day. They won’t repair that one either when it dies so I opted for a current one. That should last me 6-8 years. It’s nicer too, 16GB RAM.

Best of all Photos works now, has downloaded all my photos and is staying current so I don’t have to upload from the app on the iPad then add it to posts on the iMac to keep from it displaying upside down.

Ritzy in her  sunning spot

She doesn’t move much, from sunning spot to lap and back. Unless it’s for food. Or outside.

Ritzy by that pipe

Scenery isn’t much, just pipe that I fell, tripping on, a while back. Still sore. That added to back pain I already had wasn’t fun. Enough for now, must get back to the farm.

And Twitter.

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Happy Halloween

Very quiet here, miss my family. Least my sister sent pics, cute pics of her grandchildren which I love. Cutest pirates ever.

And Quenty the clown Normally I don’t like clowns, especially orange haired ones, started with Stephen King’s It cumulated with the one in the WH.

I would love to meet them someday. But at least I will see my sister soon. Early next year, but that isn’t that far away. Yes, it’s taken forever to sell her house but think she will enjoy visiting and not doing this.

I don’t know how she does it: collect, clean and pack hundreds of eggs, feed the chickens, pigs, goats plus her fur-babies every day. My perspective is a bit different. Just sitting is excruciating. Least I can walk now without too much pain just can’t sit. Laying down is problematic too. One more consult, just waiting on scans being sent. Hard to be of much use to people when in pain. I can do something.

Remember the block list I mentioned, I am contributing to the effort as I shared my list back. And Twitter noticed two of the people I reported and blocked and banned them, one permanently after he had a meltdown. Others reported him too. They are starting to notice things especially after the Senate hearings. Twitter’s testimony, Facebook’s testimony and Google’s testimony – enjoy.

Last, yesterday I celebrated a new holiday #MuellerMas and from the looks of it, every day is going to be #MuellerMas for quite a while. Kind of like Advent but with much more popcorn.

That’s all. Mouse about to die.

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What Took So Long

Yes, well over a month. Simple, Photos isn’t updating. Least little thing like an OS update and it starts uploading all the photos it already uploaded. Takes forever. Long fix as on iPad uploading in Safari, image comes out upside down, same with Chrome, upload in WordPress app which I can’t log in on except on one device, attempted several times to upload but no way to insert in post from app. Tried, doesn’t work. Had to go back to computer to see if it uploaded. Finally did.

My nurse cat, stays by my bedroom door even after opening a can of kitty food, stays with me every time I go to the bathroom but more so I will pet her as she meows at me when I stop.

Health has been an issue too. Yes, it was kidney failure but kidneys have improved after discontinuing certain meds, ibuprofen and antibiotic, and changing my diet. Kidney diets are boring. Upside is I have been able to lose the weight I wanted.

Still have sciatica despite therapy and injections so await appointment with neurosurgeon. My MS specialist works with one so excuse other doctor used won’t work.

And have problems breathing, thinking allergies make it worse, always something there. Hanging in there. Enough about me.

Lots more people worse off than I am. Thinking U.S. Virgin Islands where, when I was married, honeymooned there. I cried when I saw the devastation. And Puerto Rico which is not getting much aid from the government,, what aid there is is stuck in port. Love what our church leaders said about providing help. Family first, neighbors, community, donate to humanitarian fund. It does not make sense to go there as one person on Twitter suggested I do when I pointed out tRUmp’s hurtful comments about it. If not for the distance, just for their having no electricity and I am dependent on it to breathe. That doesn’t take into consideration my health. I will continue to follow the council of my church leaders. Irrespective of religion, we can work together for the benefit of others. Red Cross is providing aid. And prayers always helpful.

Update: using a wonderful app on Twitter called Block Together which I found from one of the fine people I follow on #TeamPatriot. I subscribed to his list plus added a few modifiers like blocking new accounts and accounts with very few if any tweets. Currently blocking over 130,000 mostly Russian BOTS and people I added that parrot them, long forgotten follows. A few days ago, I found one person that I had followed that I know I didn’t. Name of person clue as ideology opposite of mine. I reported it to Twitter and blocked the account. I do report and block people that threaten me and others. I especially don’t take kindly to death threats or threats to riot if they don’t get their way, start a civil war, stuff like that. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t have any such protection and since Zuckerberg had to turn over information on Russian ad buys that were instrumental is swaying opinion during the election to Robert Mueller, not comfortable there. Facebook collects massive amounts of data on us and no telling who will use it and for what end. I will try not discuss politics there. And since I used to here, site links my Twitter account, I will stop linking posts to Facebook. Surprised it worked this time as it hadn’t for some time. I will feel more comfortable blogging that way.

Posted in cats, Idiotarians, life stuff, matters of faith, neuro MS stuff, preparedness | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments