Lots Of Changes

Just realized I hadn’t posted in several weeks. Many changes since. First a pic of my nurse cat kindly taking my spot. Maybe keeping it warm for me, maybe a hint to go pet her. Pets can be great comfort.

Ritzy in my spot

A while back, last month actually, several people were very kind and set up a Lyft account for me so I could get rides to the doctor easier. There were a few instances, surgery and procedures that required a friend be with me even if using it, so friend took me. I really appreciate their generosity as it was very useful and my friends that took me before and while using. And they all helped as my medical bills were running around $1000/month. I was told it would last a long time but they like my daughter thought rides were inexpensive, little over a dollar for short trips. Nope $5.50 just to go to the pharmacy, barely a quarter of a mile. It is expensive but lots faster than a taxi. One appointment, woman was waiting over an hour for the taxi when my Lyft driver was there within a minute. That money is gone and I am on my own. I have researched several options, and I am detailing them here in case others might be in similar circumstances and need help.

Dial a Ride requires documentation from the doctor, going to Phoenix for an interview and take a test on getting on and off the bus and simulating environment getting to and from the bus, indoors, and light rail, outdoors. Mind you test does not cover actually walking to and from the bus stop. Just to get to my physical therapy would require walking to the bus stop and a change of busses and walking from the bus stop to the therapy department, over a mile of walking in the hot sun and waiting at the bus stop for busses, over 100 most of this week and on into the summer. MS and heat do not get along, it makes symptoms worse. Probably not too good for the sciatica either. And no. it is not a flat fee of $4, they charge $1 a mile too if they determine you don’t qualify for ADA. Interesting depending on city, it is available either city wide or near bus route. And one would have to change service if traveling to Phoenix. As it is a shared service like the bus, expect long wait times and travel to take much longer. Not exactly ideal. They do have a reduced fare program and that was probably it. Reading further, they have different levels of eligibility, meaning may have to take the bus anyway for some or all transportation. Wait time to find out if meet their criteria is around three weeks. They decide not a doctor.

Next option, Ride Choice, reduced fare taxi service but that only provides for $100 worth of taxi service. Not sure how much taxis cost but using Lyft, that would cover only two weeks of physical therapy. Shorter application too, same Valley Metro decides. Here’s some fun comparisons between the three, Uber, Lyft and taxis. Interesting about the strict terms. As my Lyft account was set up for me, I didn’t agree to any. Did to Uber but have not used it. Lyft tells price up front so no surprise. Rider rate drivers and vs vs.

I checked East Valley Adult Resources which provides services for seniors who meet strict income guidelines, less than Medicaid, AHCCCS in Arizona. I make more than that but one of my medicines alone cost close to three times my AGI. I get help there which is a good thing cause the coverage gap kills it for me. If I ever lose that, I won’t be able to afford my medicine. Come to think of it, if I lose Medicare, I won’t either. They recommended I check out About Care which was next on my list.

About Care was near perfect. It didn’t have an income limit. They do say you need a backup plan as they may not always be able to provide rides. And it has to be scheduled a week in advance. They provide other services too. What I liked most was this from their website.

Mission: To deliver caring and compassionate support services using trained volunteers with special concern for the elderly and physically-challenged homebound residents of Chandler, Gilbert and Queen Creek.

Goal: To encourage and enable independent living by assisting our neighbors to continue living in their homes with dignity and self-respect.

I especially like that they want to assist us to continue living in our own homes. Having the advantage of working in a few nursing homes, a shift here and there, and seen family members consigned, one for a few months after an injury and another, well just say it was not something I would enjoy. Claustrophobic here, I do like windows, space around the bed, creature comforts like books to read even a TV. None of that there. No, I will stay home and my sister will NOT let me be put in one.

Update on About Care and Lyft: their drivers are volunteers and I found out they don’t like to drive in the heat and as temperatures lately have been a bit high, 188 tops, no rides. They do suggest having a backup which for me is Lyft. Which I now pay for, get email from too. Another surprise there, one of my drivers told me about weekly discounts. Have to check my inbox early Sunday morning as they are limited but do help. I flagged Lyft as a VIP so email goes there, easier to find as I get lots of email. More unread email than Hillary Clinton, lot from lists, tons of political spam so having the VIP option is wonderful. Thanks Apple.

Almost forgot other options, as a veteran, it was suggested several time I use the VA. Not only do I not meet the guidelines, Medicaid income cutoff cause not service connected disability but the one VA hospital here is nationally known as the worst in the country. People die before getting seen. Wasn’t impressed with that suggestion. I prefer to die at home without the aid of a nursing home or VA aiding the process. Think I’d live longer too. Given a choice, if a veteran and can meet AHCCCS income qualifications, use that first. VA option of last resort. There are resources that provide additional help too.

Other changes too. Due to the increased data usage from using Lyft, I had to change my phone plan. And due to several features on my phone, notifications and app refreshing in the background primarily, my battery life is rather short between charges. Latest iOS update gives a warning that I need to replace the battery. And that requires being without my phone for a week. Not particularly doable seeing as I need it to obtain transportation. So I upgraded a month early. I rather be safe than sorry. Actually, it will be a little less expensive each month the way I did it. About the same time my internet speed dropped. So I called to find out why. Long story short, I could up the speed for $5 less a month so I took it.

Which led to the last change. My photos finally uploaded to iCloud and are available on all my devices. Which is handy for blogging on the computer. Would be if I could drag and drop the file into WordPress. Not sure why got error message. Off to the forums to find out why. Had to drag it to the desktop first. Bother! OK, found out it is a problem in Photos since 2015, never fixed. Designed to use the share button with various platforms just not blogs.

Thought to add other thoughts on transportation outside the Greater Phoenix area. Moving on to Houston, Texas, my friend Kiril gives a rundown on it’s Metro. He also uses an aid, a beautiful walking stick. Kitty detail is awesome. And beautiful.

Update: Kiril has the post up now debuting his new walking stick. Perfect!

This entry was posted in Apple and Evil, life stuff, neuro MS stuff. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Lots Of Changes

  1. My friend, I am sorry about your transportation woes.
    Thanks for mentioning my Rep My Route Video with Houston Metro and my new Camera Monopod Walking Stick.
    It is actually 1 of 2, now. It had an unfixable internal glitch that means I can’t use it as a monopod so the creators made me a new one taking care to make sure, as best they can, that a similar issue won’t crop up.

    I will debut the stick later today on my blogs.

    I think you will like the name I chose for it, and even the name I decided against, hee, hee!

    Take care!

    • mog says:

      Yes I do. The name you chose not to go with reminded me too much of her. Much better name since you live in Texas.

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