Fixed It

While updating WordPress automatically, it failed and site was down. Not that it gets much traffic especially not posting since October. I had to update manually and that required getting Transmit on this computer. They had a new version so I just bought it. Easier than waiting a day to migrate the data. I did not do it when I set it up as that one had two users thanks to it being used and I didn’t want that here. I tried Migration Assistant and it was very slow, much faster to transfer what I want. Too much legacy stuff on there anyway. Got rid of the G5 applications some time ago but there just was a ton of stuff I didn’t need. Sides important stuff like passwords and mail, all 371,908 emails, were on it. Lots of spam to delete. Think I am off most of the lists that generated it.

As to why I got a new one, necessity. When the iMac G5 died, they were unable to replace it so got a deal on a 2009 iMac partly cause newer ones were coming out. When the display on that one died, it was considered vintage and no one, even place that advertised they fixed them, would. So I got a used late 2009 model off Amazon. Lately, it has been running hot and the fan runs full bore even when idle unless I put it to sleep and sometimes not even then. I’ve had to turn it off, reset the SMC, then back on every day. They won’t repair that one either when it dies so I opted for a current one. That should last me 6-8 years. It’s nicer too, 16GB RAM.

Best of all Photos works now, has downloaded all my photos and is staying current so I don’t have to upload from the app on the iPad then add it to posts on the iMac to keep from it displaying upside down.

Ritzy in her  sunning spot

She doesn’t move much, from sunning spot to lap and back. Unless it’s for food. Or outside.

Ritzy by that pipe

Scenery isn’t much, just pipe that I fell, tripping on, a while back. Still sore. That added to back pain I already had wasn’t fun. Enough for now, must get back to the farm.

And Twitter.

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