Didn’t notice until someone mentioned it while sitting in church. Looked at date, 17th. I was wearing green.
That observation led to another, see I haven’t blogged since January 1. Broke that resolution. Been ambivalent as I had privacy concerns after all that had been. It’s worse than I knew. For years, FSBOOK has been making updates, each time overriding individual’s privacy settings. In their data, complete message threads are stored. Not private when stolen. Neither is the contents of one’s phone. Not sure what will happen after justice is served. Couple thing I do, not share year of birth publicly, phone number only with close friends, location never. I do not post when I am at a place, maybe after, maybe never now. Delinked the blog a while back, removed a ton of likes long outdated. Network and personalities I liked in 2010 when I joined have changed mostly from what I learned in 2016 and after. I do not discuss politics there either as people have very strong opinions, share #provokatsiya #deza
Only do three things there, connect with friends and family, church and play FarmVille. None of these are amenable to discussing politics. That’s what Twitter is for.
Additionally, I have Adblock Plus and do not track settings to prevent FSBOOK from tracking me wherever I am. Deleted it, Messenger and Instagram from my phones, only have on one iPad and computer.
Big concern I have is people resorting to violence. From being called a “hater” on Fox News because I didn’t support a hateful person that insulted disabled, veterans and incited violence and being threatened first by Hannity then by people and bots on Twitter because I would not vote for him to the dreadful terrorist attack in New Zealand, it has only gotten worse. It won’t stop. Here’s a clue to why and what’s ahead.
For my Republican friends, I am not aligned with either party, preferring to follow the Prophet, love all, treat all with dignity and respect. There is no place for nationalism, racism, white-supremacy in my church. Excellent model to follow.
We can debate policy is a rational manner too, not with the name calling done in the past.