
Meowza is a big loveable lug or was til he got the chance to go outside. Now he’s a dirtyboy. Still, he’s a sleek if dirty love machine. As in gotta love him. He loves sitting on my lap and getting petted. Canned kitty food is a close second.

He also like grass and can be found in the neighbor’s yard enjoying lounging on his lawn. And he have made friends with a couple of the neighbor cats whose pics sometimes, often in the case of Cece, show up on my blog. May here too.

Incidentally, he was first born of Ritzi’s kittens. Followed by Bazel, Izzy and last Jezi. Sometimes he played with Jezi but he left most of that to Izzy and Bazel. What he wanted to play with is mom but she doesn’t like other cats. Silly Ritzi. He excelled at opening the door to her room and I had to keep it locked due to his extraordinary talents. Sides which they moved out, Izzy and Jezi to foster care and Ritzi to live with my daughter.

And he has his own website. Mostly dormant now since he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly 4/22/12. I miss him greatly.