Dolls and more dolls

Hello all,
I had a lot of free time last week (and I could have used it better though) and of course I was looking for new ideas abot what to make instead of finishing all the school essays.
When I was in 4th grade or so my mom's friends organized a day where I made a clay doll and for the past week my fingers have been itching to make one. Where I live now, there are no craft shops near, so today I finally managed to go and by some airdry clay.
In Finland I couldn't find any retailers selling good doll clay, so I opted for air dry children's clay and I ended up with my. I hope it is a good idea, I haven't tried it at all. But it was mistakenly on sale, so that's why I bought it...
So my next post will probably be about how I managed to do a doll from that. I'm thinking of making the head and hands/feet from clay, and the body will be probably made from cotton fabric.
And when I went to the shop I was so happy that I found dollneedles from there, I've wanted to buy a long needle for making soft toys and now I have three.The palstic eggs are for the doll's head, and in case I decide to make more than one doll I bought several...

And my new doll says hello, he still doesn't have clothes. But at least I managed to give him hair.
