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Showing posts with label Founding Fathers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Founding Fathers. Show all posts

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Glenn Beck and that old time religion

The massive Beck rally makes me uneasy. It is uncomfortably close to a Christian revival meeting with a Come-to-Jesus sub-text.

Why must religion come into it? Our Founding Fathers were not literally Christians but deists. They believed in natural law, not messianic religion, whereby only Christians (or Muslims) can achieve salvation. In fact, our country is not about heavenly salvation, but about governance which respects the rights of all men to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness on this earth.

Whenever a strong Christian element enters the discourse, I think of the Crusades. Maybe the Crusades saved Christendom, but when it was all over and the infidels were vanquished, a lot of innocent Jews were dead.

Collateral damage? Well, yes, but I don't want me and mine to be collateral damage, even inadvertently.