Rejected by TurboTax
I'm just a mediocre person, incomewise, so I couldn't suppose the government has much interest in my taxes, as opposed to those of Al Sharpton, the presidential advisor, tax-evader and murderer.
But I digress. My income consists of a pension, Social Security, and not much more. It's generally pretty cut and dried. So I've usually done it myself. But this time I had a royalty check for a book I and some others wrote in 2002.
When I entered the figure--about 50 dollars--TurboTax got all high and mighty, refusing to do my taxes for the regular sum of about $40. I had turned out to be a very special taxpayer, one which would strain the algorithm and probably crash the entire system. So complex was my income that TurboTax stopped in its tracks. It shied like a horse who was asked to jump a deep ditch. I was informed that my royalty check made me an unusual taxpayer and I needed an extra $50 for them to continue my return.
I would now be paying a hundred dollars in fees for earning an extra $50. For a couple of hundred I could hire a live accountant.
I pondered the problem for a couple of days and then decided to file for a six month extension, thus evading the problem until the leaves turned color and started to fall from the trees.
I have so many diseases and they are so complex that I have enough doctors to make a basketball team, although some of them are too short. I figured that the chances were good that one of them would kill me before October, if I was lucky.