Delaware Top Blogs
Showing posts with label Meghan McCain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meghan McCain. Show all posts

Monday, October 18, 2010

Pot, meet kettle

I am getting sick and tired of people piling on Christine O'Donnell.  The latest and most risible example is Meghan McCain, the spoiled, immature and dopey daughter of former Republican Presidential candidate John McCain.  (Note to self:  Thank God for the adorable Obama girls--this critter could have been a presidential daughter.  Malia and Sasha are infinitely cuter.)

"Well, I speak as a 26-year-old woman and my problem is that, no matter what, Christine O'Donnell is making a mockery of running for public office," McCain told anchor Christiane Amanpour. "She has no real history, no real success in any kind of business."
McCain, daughter of Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said that the message, "that sends to my generation is: one day you can just wake and run for Senate, no matter how [much of] a lack of experience you have. And it scares for me for a lot of reasons."
"I just know, in my group of friends, it turns people off because she's seen as a nutjob," she said.

O'Donnell can run rings around this lamebrained trust fund baby.  She did not "just wake up and run for Senate."    She has run for office before and lost, and it took guts to run as an outsider against an establishment Republican.  Apparently she is not flush with money, from what the local press has reported.  She dared greatly and won big.  Talk about the audacity of hope!

Without the benefit of a beer magnate grand-daddy, O'Donnell presented herself to the voters in the Republican primary, and apparently they liked her, or at least preferred her to Mike Castle.  The Republican turnout was tremendous.  Contrary to Ms M,  she was legitimately elected.  You have to be a citizen and above a certain age to put yourself forward for public office.  You don't have to have any other qualifications to run for the Senate, a body that has endured Barbara Boxer and Patty Murray and is still in business. And Robert Byrd.  And the chap who horsewhipped another chap on the Senate floor and whose name escapes me.

Meghan McCain doesn't have to worry her pretty little head, because the voters of Delaware will decide whether O'Donnell goes to the Senate.