Lo, the poor immigrant...
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From the News Journal, a sad case:
During her two-and-a-half days in police custody, all Maria Navarro-Luna could think about was her injured 7-year-old daughter....
Those who know Navarro-Luna say she is a wonderful mother, always preoccupied with providing the best for her children.
The mystery gets deeper:
They can't understand why Navarro-Luna, 31, was arrested earlier this week on two counts of endangering the welfare of a child after a June accident in which she and two of her children were struck by a truck while jaywalking across busy U.S. 40. Seven-year-old Dulce Maria -- "Sweet Maria" in Spanish -- was taken to Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children, comatose. Her 16-month-old sister, Lucero Maria, whom Navarro-Luna had been pushing in a stroller, died.
Well, I've put my gigantic brain to the task, and I think I have the motive for the government's malign treatment of this magical mom: she was jaywalking across a busy highway with two children in tow!
Is that dumb or what? Does it perhaps display poor judgment?
If she were our own native-born admitted doofus, Britney Spears, it would be the work of a moment to revoke custody. In fact, Britney lost custody of her children, despite her money and fame.
Maria Navarro-Luna is a piss-poor mother who already caused the death of one of her children. What in the world would she do with custody of the other one--run across I-95 with her?