Delaware Top Blogs
Showing posts with label stupidity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stupidity. Show all posts

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Stupid stuff, and plenty of it

I completely concur that "Don't do stupid stuff" is not a viable foreign policy. I hate these slogans that denigrate the intellect of the American public, don't you? Like, "It's the economy,stupid."--oh wait!
Seriously, I hate the lowdown argot of politicians nowadays. They seem to think they are in a pool hall, and not a nice one, either. Both parties are guilty. I personally don't like to be addressed or described as "folks," like some backwoodsman from Andrew Jackson's day. I don't care for the expression "shout out." I don't like to be told, "Read my lips." I'm sure you can think of others.
As for clothing,if I never see another President of the United States dressed in shorts, it will be too soon. Put on your big boy pants, guys! Big boy pants are those that descend to the ankle.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

In what way is abortion a campaign issue?

It's not.
Abortion is permitted by law, and confirmed as legal by the Supreme Court. So why are we talking about it? Why don't we discuss how many orfreys an archbishop can have on his chasuble? That would be more pertinent.
George W Bush, ostensibly anti-abortion, did nothing to change this law because there was nothing he could realistically do. Clinton did nothing, Obama did nothing, Romney will do nothing. So who cares what their respective opinions are about abortion; it's as relevant as their opinions on pickled herring.
he real takeaway from this whole discussion is the knowledge that a member of Congress can be as dumb as a post. Dumber, really, because a post can't make a fool of itself. We leave that to Todd Akin. Oh, yes, and Debbie Wasserman Schulz.
Oy vey! These people are running the country!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Rules for cats and dogs

According to the local throwaway paper (no link, sorry) the Delaware State Veterinarian--who knew we had one?-- has issued a warning that no out of state dogs and cats can move to Delaware unless their papers are in order.  Such papers include a certificate from their vet that the animal is disease free and has had all its shots.

Undocumented people, fine.  Undocumented pets, no.