Showing posts with label Dashing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dashing. Show all posts

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dashing to the finish line

The reveal is here!

OK, so it's not Christmas, but who cares? My little project that I've completed is Shepherd's Bush Dashing kit (which they actually call Reindeer Bag). I knew it wasn't going to take me long to do this one. I stitched it Wednesday night after I got home from work. I was really in a stitching mood and wasn't going to let the moment slip. So I decided to get it out (as I'd already chosen to do this one next) and do it that night. It took about 3 1/2 hours to complete and was a little finicky at times but quite a joy to do. The design itself is very easy, but having to manoeuvre within the confines of the bag was sometimes a test. It's the first design that I've had to stitch in hand, as I normally do my stitching with a hoop. Great little quickie to do though.

SHEPHERD'S BUSH - Dashing finished 23 April 2008

I was going over my stash last night trying to think of what to do next and I'm probably going to stitch another Shepherd's Bush called Snowy Morn. I love the dark colours in this one.

SHEPHERD'S BUSH - Snowy Morn kitted

Well, I better go and have some lunch and then get some cleaning done around the house. It's a public holiday today (ANZAC Day) so I'm home when I'd usually be at work. Better not waste the whole day on the computer. :)