Today Bexley's temperature of 102 finally subsided! Poor girl has been in a lot of pain from teething this week..... That, and Tuesday she bashed her mouth on the new stove and busted her lip! There was SO much blood that I was convinced that she had bitten straight through her lip and needed a stitch or two. So off to the Emergency Room we went, where two nurses helped me assess the damage. Since the wait was long, one suggested I'd be seen faster at my doctor & that I'd only need to come back if Bexley needed stitches. The other nurse said we should just stay and wait; she was convinced by the blood & swelling that stitches were a given. I decided the faster, the better.... So off to Bexley's Dr's we went. To make a long story short, no stitches needed. Her lip looked like there was a huge grape INSIDE it! By the time we got home, she just wanted to sleep...
Unfortunately, Bexley bopped her mouth on the stove less than an hour before our friend, Martin Ramirez, was supposed to come install it. He came over later, and did an awesome job. I love our new stove! Especially the part where I don't have to worry about it randomly shutting off while I'm baking or beeping loudly at 2am for no reason! Since Monday, I've already baked Zucchini Bread & Peanut Butter Cookies,... & cooked dinner every night.... which Mitch will tell you is a rarity in our house! But who wouldn't want to cook on this thing! I feel like a chef!