Sunday, 2 July 2017

Better Late Than Never


A wee last post before we go away on our hols. We'll be up really really early tomorrow morning so I think a post will be the last thing on my mind.

These are a couple of belated cards to share today both work ones (although to be fair, I wasn't actually asked for one of them until after the birthday but it seemed to good an opportunity to miss to make a funny belated card)

Pony - LotV

Elephant and Bird - Gerda Steiner
Glossy Accents

Thanks for dropping by today. See you in a week! 


Cara said...

Two more fabulous cards, you couldn't be upset that your card was late if you got one of these. Hope you have a brilliant holiday x

Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Hehe, those belated birthday cards are brilliant!!! Love them both! Those sentiments made me laugh out loud!! Very well paired with their images, you're so quick with that sort of wit, love it! Hugs, Wends xoxo

Focus on What Matters

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