Friday, 11 August 2017

Oh My Stars


Well, this must be a first. I'm sharing a card on the day of the birthday and not a year later!

This is one of 4 cards I've made for today's birthday girl (and it's the one from her brother).

Drama Queen - Tiddly Inks
Stage - Make it Crafty
Wink of Stella
Silver Stars

Thanks for dropping by today.


Wendy Nicola Jackson said...

Hehe, this made me laugh out loud! What a brilliant sentiment Susan! Fabulous image too. Bet the birthday will utterly LOVE it!! Hugs, Wends xoxo

Cara said...

I love it! Fabulous image and great sentiment too x

Focus on What Matters

Hello. This is image is a fairly new Sylvia Zet  Whimsy  image called Be Beautiful. I wanted the image to stand out so I've gone very CA...