Showing posts with label foraging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label foraging. Show all posts


Such a Wonderful Critter Summer

On a hike...
this massive guy was napping in the woods
we got to see him stand up and just be.....
he stood still for a very long time

driving through the mountains
at the top of the world
endless huge beauty
(B7 Pillar)

this mountain chickadee
sat/stood a foot from me
on this branch for quite a long time
at first I thought it wanted seed (see my last post)
but it did not take any
so we simply stood and listened and looked
and relaxed into the day

In the woods, off trail, taking to heart the details of forest life. Spying a sylvan mushroom, brightly colored red. I must take it's portrait, a photograph. But how to get through the tangle of downed trees, scramble of branches. Ducking this and that, making my way to it, I hear a sound and look up to see a little tree squirrel scrambling up a spruce tree, with the mushroom, the very same mushroom in it's mouth, twice as big as the squirrels head. Up up up the tree trunk and then lays it on a branch to age and dry. The squirrel nearly flies to the earth in search of it's next foraged meal. 

What are the chances of that! The squirrel got to and took the mushroom before me. Still inspires a smile, as I remember. It was quite dark in the forest or I would have tried to video that busy squirrel for you.  

Lovely end of summer 
(or winter) to you!



Enjoying Baby Ground Squirrels

I was out photographing a budding fir tree
noticed this little fir ball on my lawn
basically the size of a mouse

where is mom?
i was snapping it's portrait
and the click click click of my camera 
must of sounded like the high pitch sound it's mom makes

because it trotted and tumbled through the grass and cuddled up next to my shoe!

I stopped taking photos
wanted the little critter to find mom
as it was evening the time they go underground

next day 
i learned that this mom has 5 babies to keep track of
teach and cuddle with

across the road i noticed more babies
another family
as i approached they all ran underground
seeing some flowers
i began to photograph them
one of the babies appeared from underground
so interesting to see how they respond to the sound of my camera

look at those cute furry ears

on another note
Lucy and i have enjoyed foraging morel mushrooms
