Showing posts with label grass. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grass. Show all posts


Frosty Beauties

morning light
our mundane world 
overflows with magical life

frost it grows
in endless expression

texture color
ice that grows over night
 temporal magnificence

my heart will never be the same

 your presence has changed me


Frostly Morning

woke to 18F
morning light soft and bright

snow berries and leaves dressed in crystalline ice

forest strawberries still green
others cloaked in pinks salmon and dusty rose

autumns colors beauty be

was on my way to yoga.....
never made it there
for beauty everywhere
stopped me in my tracks

is a light word
for the feelings i have in the midst of ice crystals
and their mystical light



Snowy Autumn Land

fell asleep to a warm night sky
cloaked in clouds at 28F
woke to four fresh inches of autumn snow
two snow falls to date
how many will it take
before golden grasses lie down
announcing winter is here

in the meantime
grasses appear to be rising through
a sand land along an ocean shore
i can almost smell the salty air
when a breeze of pine
awakens me to our snowy autumn land


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Frosty Morning ~

I woke up
it was a frosty morning
and the first thing that i saw
was ice dressed in rainbows
my heart began to thaw
I thought I was heading to yoga
but smitten my path did change
kneeling to enjoy a sparkling ballet
morning light
golden grass
did reign

poem inspired by the rythym of Joni Mitchell's 
song: Chelsea Morning
thank you Joni

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Nature as a Spirit Helper

though I feel I share quite intimately with you all
I tame the private details
between a mix of lack of sleep
and emotional challenge
I was a wreck

at my lowest....
I picked myself up and headed to the woods
feeling my sadness
feeling the air
scents inhaled
light offered colors
and shapes
creatures offered sound
as music
company of trees
caressed by the wind
moist earth for substance
my spirit lifted within moments

my dedication to Spirithelpers
for truly
the presence of our natural world
has the ability to uplift the human spirit
it is a perfect marriage
how lovely

all is well
simply the human journey

Happy Birthday Annie!
Wishing you a year of days that feel wonderful to you~
with love,


Essence of Raindrops

dollops and drips
of watery light
ignite in subtle brilliance
their charm beckoning
to any minute parched
bits of life
partake of me

To see more watery images: Watery Wednesday