Showing posts with label huckleberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label huckleberries. Show all posts


Glimpses of Summer

drove to the top of Logan Pass
looked east to the majestic mountains

waters are dancing down the mountains

huckleberries have begun to ripen

creek water is mesmerizing

seems like billions of flowers
on one stalk of beargrass

tiny flowers are enchanting

walking deep in the forest
where no trail exisits
i found to Orange-capped boletes bathing in the sun

Summer is certainly here!


Summer is Fruiting

on a gentle breeze
i heard the mountains call to me

in the forest i found berries 
ripe as can be


huckleberries are a treasured food in Montana!

i dinned next to this river
listening to it's song
enjoying the stir of the air that it brought to life

mountain ash offering berries for the birds
splashes of color
for our eyes

savoring each blossom

treasuring the tiny realm

butterflies basked in the sun

enjoying rain after a hot summer
lovely late summer days to you


Glimpses of Summer

walking in the forest
(i had never seen a delphinium in the above colors)

tiny, unripe huckleberry
and so it begins.....

large beaver enjoys a swim

who will this spiral become?

rains dress our world in gems and light



The Rookery

hot summer day beckoned
i headed to the forest in search of a rookery a friend told me about

from the tree tops
wonderful strange sounds filled the air
the calls of Sand Hill Cranes

*Later: not Sand Hill Cranes, they are Blue Herons*

do you see the chicks head (high center)
i know it is hard to see:

at the base of three different trees i found eggs from the chicks in shades of light blue

the warm day inspired a sweet heavy scent of flowers 

 inside these little bells
was quite a surprise:

and fruit to fill the air

I wandered on

Good Creek:

 old homesteads:

at the above spot.... 
a large crashing sound of a spooked animal filled the air
i think we scared one another
most likely moose or bear

and beautifully colored mushrooms

I hope you enjoyed your wander with me. 
I sure did. 

thank you Elaine


Lovely Solstice to One and All

 we now enter the season 

baby fruits have begun their journey

in a month or so to become

a huckleberry!

Lovely Solstice to one and all!


Tucked at your Ankles

wind is howling through the forest
reminiscent of a raging river
yet tucked at the ankles of trees
my experience is more the wispy caress
of a breeze

my spirit mingles with the land
like fingers of trickling water
seeping into the earth
hair flying with the wind
makes the sky my dancing friend

dark chocolate and huckleberries in my mouth
I close my eyes
there is nowhere else
I would rather be