Showing posts with label kinship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kinship. Show all posts


Mountain Lion and Elk

headed into the forest and through the meadow on skis
day a blend of subtle grays greens and white
following the tracks of a lone coyote
a song of twitter tweet 
tiny birds

then a splash of movement and rich browns

a tribe of elk
they looked at me
I at them

they turned and trotted through the trees

continuing on
a fresh trail of a lone mountain lion 

I could not help but follow

a month or so ago
  I found a lion had walked in my tracks

now I follow the lion

somehow I feel an affinity to these quiet winter woods

the lion tracks were between 3.5 inches and 4"




Listening to the Subtle Voices

have you considered
listening to the subtle voices
the ones in the wind
that are kin
to the floating of the clouds
that are kin
to those sprouting from the soil
that are kin
to the swaying of the trees
that are kin
to those walking upon earth
that are kin
to whom fly in the sky
that are kin
to the mountains rising high
that are kin

to the heart in your chest
and all life
to each drop of mist
like a kiss
they are kin

to the seasons as they dance
also kin

have you considered how listening to the subtle voices
would touch your heart
and mind
how it would move you as you walk
and you talk
have you considered

to enjoy wonderful macro photography
visit: Lisa Chaos's Macro Monday