Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirit. Show all posts


Fragrance and Spirit

fragrance is as close to spirit
as the physical world gets
fragrance and breath
divine friends
are mated

as we pause to inhale a delicious scent
a rhythm within slows
opens to receive
in receiving we blend

Visit other poets at: One Single Impression
for the prompt: fragrance

Visit flowers from other folks around the world at: Today's Flowers


Oh So Delicious

Assimilate the beauty
the presence
of a flower
gobble it up
as though it be a
yummy snack
let it absorb into
and nurture every cell
of your body
your spirit
for it's beauty is your own

With joy in my heart, I wish you a wonderful Solstice!
With gratitude, I thank fathers everywhere for your unending presence
in your family and our world~

Enjoy others poetry inspired by the prompt; Assimilation: OSI
Flowers from around the world: Today's Flowers


I saw the SKY!

This is my fourth winter. You read that right, the kind of winter with weather, snow, lots of gray days, ice and ice crystals, barely feeling the warmth of the sun for up to five months. Before these four years my life was in Southern California. Don't get me wrong, winter exists there, well all the folks with obvious seasons chuckle over that, I know. The seasons down south are more SUBTLE. Anyway, it has been gray for gosh... ten days at LEAST. I have not been my normal cheery self for about two months, for a number of reasons. I am guessing the lack of sun had it's effect in my more fragile state of being. With the encouragement of a friend I drove up to our ski mountain to get above the clouds. Now that was a brilliant suggestion! My spirit lifted immediately. The light went right in my eyes and touched my heart and my spirit was light and cheerful. Twas amazing to witness and feel this! Here is an image from up there:

Then I drove back down into the Flathead Valley, back into the clouds.....
Not much light, but I found beauty:

I went into a store, came out to find the sun and blue skies!!!
Here are sunset images:

To see sky images from others around the world: Sky Watch Friday