June 18, 1918 -
The American Federation of Teachers issued a charter to the St. Paul
Federation of Women Teachers Local 28, and then, one year later, the
issued a charter to the men’s teachers’ local. Both locals participated
in the first organized teachers’ strike in the nation, in 1946. (From Workday Minnesota)
Assassination of Kurt Wilckens in the Penitenciaría Nacional. |
June 18, 1923
– A nationwide General Strike took place in Argentina in protest of the
assassination of the anarchist Kurt Wilckens in his prison cell. Two
workers were killed in the strike as police tried to raid the offices of the anarchist union (FORA (Fédération Ouvrière Régionale Argentine). (From the Daily Bleed)
June 18, 1954 – The US-CIA supported coup against Arbenz in Guatemala was completed. (From the Daily Bleed)