Last year,
the Los Angeles School Board mandated that all students pass several A-G
courses with a C or better. A-G courses are those that are accepted by the
University of California (UC) and California State University (CSU) systems as
prerequisites for their courses and are seen by many reformers as the minimum
we should be expecting from our students under the misguided expectation that
all students can and should go to college. In support of the mandate, Superintendent
Deasy argued that A-G was a glowing success in other districts (e.g., San Jose).
Indeed, many
districts, including my own, have also mandated that all students take A-G
courses, but they do not all require a C or better for graduation. In many
districts, students who fail an A-G course can pass an alternate course to meet
graduation requirements. This makes sense considering there are not enough
university slots for each of California’s high school graduates and many cannot
afford college or prefer to go directly into the workforce. Furthermore, many
students simply are not academically ready for these courses (e.g., those
reading below grade level or lacking in the prerequisite skills).
large numbers of students who take A-G courses are unable to pass them with a C
or better. Indeed, Deasy’s claim that A-G was a glowing success in San Jose was
based on inaccurate data. Initially, San Jose claimed that two-thirds of their
students were passing their A-G courses with a C or better (hardly a glowing
success). Yet after reexamining the data, San Jose is now saying their pass
rate is only 36%.
Association of Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA) is now calling for an end
to the mandate, according to the 4LAKids Blog. AALA has pointed to Deasy’s
politicizing of the issue and the faulty data used to support his case.
However, back when the school board was still investigating the merits of the
A-G requirement, AALA argued that several reforms and student supports would be
necessary for the policy to succeed: more support for English Learners and
students with disabilities; additional summer support programs; interdisciplinary
professional development; better articulation with community colleges and
vocational training for students who choose not to go to college; recruiting of
more math and science teachers; increased science and technology classrooms;
and better outreach to parents. To date, AALA says that none of its proposals
have been implemented.
It is nice
to hear about school administrators taking collective action to fight for sound
educational policy, particularly in light of the near universal acceptance of
(or lack of resistance to) No Child Left Behind, Race to the Top and Common
Core Standards). However, AALA does not go nearly far enough. It is clearly
idiotic to require a C or better in in A-G classes in order to graduate, but
even the less extreme (but more common) mandate that all students be required
to take these classes is wrongheaded. San Jose’s 36% rate of C or better should
make it obvious that large numbers of students simply are not academically
ready for these classes. Forcing them to take the classes anyway is only
setting them up for failure. This contributes to low self-efficacy and
alienation from school and learning, which in turn can lead them to give up
entirely on school and drop out.
Even for
resilient students who are able to shrug off the failure and move on with their
lives, they still find themselves in the position of having to make up the
course (or an alternative) in order to have sufficient credits to graduate.
This places an unnecessary burden on them to double up classes during the next
school year, take community college or continuation school classes after school
and repeat classes during the summer. This can prevent them from taking
electives, or participating in athletics and extracurricular activities. Many
of these students come from low income families and have to work after school
and on weekends to help support their families, which may be why they failed an
A-G class in the first place. Having to repeat classes only exacerbates this
A-G for all students is also bad for those students who are academically ready for these classes. Forcing large numbers of
students into classes for which they are inadequately prepared creates
management problems for teachers. When some students are reading below grade
level, repeatedly absent, failing to complete assignments, coming to class
unprepared, and neglecting to follow instructions, it not only takes teacher
attention away from helping other students, but it sometimes prevents them from
covering all the required content or having the time to indulge in “teachable
moments” and enrichment activities.
Perhaps most
problematic with the A-G requirement is its delusional premise that all
children can and should go on to college, despite the fact that there aren’t
enough spaces in the UC or CSU systems for every high school senior, nor the
scholarships and grants to make it affordable. Yet, even if college was free
and there were enough classrooms and professors for every 18-year old in the
state, students will continue to drop out or lack the prerequisites for college
as long as we continue to ignore the underlying socioeconomic problems that
cause the achievement gap and prevent students from being successful in A-G
courses. The pipeline to college does not start at high school or with college
preparatory coursework. Rather, it starts before children are born, with the
health and material wellbeing of their families and children’s subsequent
abilities to compete with their peers.