June 1 is the day
that U.S. labor law officially allows children under the age of 16 to work up
to 8 hours per day between the hours of 7:00 am and 9:00 pm. (From Workday
Minnesota) Time is ticking away, Bosses. Have you signed up sufficient
numbers of low-wage tykes to maintain production rates with your downsized
adult staffs?
June 1, 1572 – The Battle of Coyaochaca between
Hurtado de Arbieto and the rebel army of Tupac Amaru was fought in Peru. (From
the Daily Bleed)
June 1, 1771 – A crowd of women was arrested while
destroying the fences around Rewhay Common, England, in attempt to resist the
enclosures of the commons that was occurring throughout the coutnry. Another group
of women marched to Burton-on-Trent where they freed their comrades. (From the Daily
June 1, 1855 – American pirate William Walker
conquered Nicaragua, ceded it to the U.S. south, and reintroduced slavery.
Walker was later captured and executed in Trujillo, Honduras. (From the Daily
June 1, 1873
– Captain Jack, who led a band of 52 warriors against the U.S. army near Tule
Lake, California, finally surrendered to U.S. troops. The fight was part of the
Modoc Wars, in which the Modoc tribe (southern Oregon and Northern California)
resisted domination by the U.S. Many of his own people had joined with the U.S.
forces to help capture him. Captain Jack had led the most expensive Indian War
in US history. (From the Daily
Bleed, Wikipedia)
June 1, 1906 – The bloody
Cananea copper miners' strike began in Sonora, Mexico. The miners were demanding
5 pesos a day and an 8-hour workday, commensurate with the U.S. citizens who
were working with them side-by-side. As many as 100 miners were killed. (From the Daily
June 1, 1914
– 80 militia men refused to board a train as reinforcements for the U.S.
invasion of Veracruz, Mexico. The U.S. ultimately occupied
the region for six months because President Huerta refused to provide the U.S.
with a 21-gun salute as an apology for arresting nine U.S. sailors. More significantly,
Veracruz was an important oil port. Germany and Britain had been battling for
its control. The occupation gave the U.S. greater influence on the still
unfolding Mexican revolution, as well as the growing tensions in Europe. (From
the Daily Bleed)
June 1, 1914
– U.S. troops arrived in Colorado to reclaim coal mines from striking miners,
after the Colorado National Guard massacred 19 in the miners’ camp. 2 women and
11 children were among those killed. (From the Daily
Bleed, and here and here)
June 1, 1916
– Pacific Coast longshoremen (ILA) struck up and down the Pacific coast. (From the Daily
June 1, 1925
– The Shanghai General Strike began, as part of an ongoing labor insurgency
occurring throughout China's industrial cities. The day
prior, police opened fire on protesters. (From the Daily
June 1, 1929 --A meeting of
the Korean Anarchist Federation (KAF) was held in Peking in which it was
decided to divert all resources outside Korea itself to Manchuria. Over 2
million Koreans were living in Manchuria at the time, and the KAF was a
significant force. Their significance was short-lived, however, as the Japanese
attacked from the south, while Stalinists attacked from the north. By 1931,
many of the anarchist leaders were dead and the region was devastated. (From the Daily
Bleed and The Korean Anarchist Movement)
June 1, 1942
- The Polish Socialist newspaper, Liberty Brigade, made the first public report
that that the Nazis were gassing Jews by the thousands. In the article, they published
an interview with a young Jew, Emanuel Ringelblum, who had escaped the Chelmno
death camp. (From Workday Minnesota)
June 1, 1963 – The U.S. Supreme Court banned formal prayers and religious exercises from public schools. (From the Daily Bleed)
June 1, 1968
– Libertarian Socialist Helen Keller died in Westport, Connecticut. (From the Daily
June 1, 1981 – Two Filipino longshore labor
organizers, Domingo & Viernes, were assassinated in Seattle, Washington on
orders of U.S.-backed dictator Ferdinand Marcos. (From the Daily