It is not
just K-12 public school teachers who are getting squeezed by budget cuts,
stagnant pay, declining working conditions and attacks on tenure. Today, nearly
70% of all college and university faculty are non-tenured, part-time adjunct
faculty (according to a recent piece in Truth Out), with no job security and generally
lower pay and fewer benefits than their tenured colleagues.
Many of
these professors find themselves having to accept teaching positions at
multiple universities and colleges just to make enough to support themselves,
sometimes having to commute to two or three different campuses in one day. It
is not uncommon in the community colleges for adjuncts to earn as little as
$2,500 per class. For adjuncts teaching 3-4 classes per semester, this
translates to $15,000-20,000 per year, often without any benefits.
adjuncts make good money. At UCSF, for example, adjunct professors can earn
six-figure salaries. However, their job security is based entirely on their
ability to compete for scarce research grants, as the university provides them
with little or no additional funding and makes no commitment to support them if
their grants run dry. These adjuncts, who
must constantly contend with the threat of losing their labs and their income, often
put in 60-80 hour weeks just to keep their grants flowing and, consequently, suffer
an incredible amount of pressure and stress.
A number of
factors have been contributing to the problem, including the nation’s economic
crisis, which has exacerbated many states’ existing budget difficulties. In order
to close their deficits, universities have not only been cutting classes and
raising tuition for their students; they have also been squeezing their
employees by cutting wages, benefits and teaching assignments. At the same
time, the number of college graduates competing for these jobs has been rising.
This may be part of the reason why the number of people possessing PhDs who
receive public assistance has tripled over the last three years. Between 2007 and 2010 the number grew
from 9,776 to 33,655.
However, the
decline in tenured faculty positions started well before the current economic
crisis. The New York Times reported in
November, 2007, that tenured faculty had already become the minority on
campuses across the country. 30 years ago, adjuncts made up only 43% of
faculty nation-wide, whereas by 2007 they comprised 70% of faculty. The Times
attributed the trend to administrators’ desire to save money and have greater “flexibility.”
What this really means is greater ease in manipulating, coercing and firing,
since part-timers and adjuncts, in general, have little or no job security and
must toe the line and keep their mouths shut if they want to keep their jobs.
It also
means more money is available for executive compensation, which has been on the
rise even as tuition has climbed and employee compensation has declined. The
San Francisco Chronicle reported this week that executive
pay at the nation’s private colleges climbed 2.8% between 2009 and 2010
(the last year in which records are available). The median compensation for the
nearly 500 presidents of private universities with budgets of at least $50
million was nearly $400,000, with 36 executives earning more than $1 million
annually. However, executive compensation at public universities has also been
rising rapidly. California Senator Leland Yee recently introduced legislation
that would bar the state’s UC and CSU systems from giving any raises or bonuses
until two years after the latest fee hikes.
As with many
aspects of the education system, the interests of teachers are linked to the
wellbeing of students. Several studies have found that freshmen
taught by part-timers are more likely to drop out. This is probably due to
the fact that part-timers and adjuncts, in general, have more work to do and
less time to do it, forcing many to reduce or abandon office hours. They are
more likely to accept excessive or unreasonable course loads in order to
increase their salaries or to be eligible for benefits. They also are less
likely to advocate for better conditions for themselves and their students out
of fear of getting fewer (or no) classes in the coming semesters.