Showing posts with label Makeup In Motion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Makeup In Motion. Show all posts

June 24, 2009

In That Second Of A Shooting Star

Autumn and Mat's wedding was nothing short of a page out of a fairytale. From getting married in the church at the historic .: Trafalgar Castle :. to celebrating with those they are closest to at .: Deer Creek Golf Club :., everything about the day was perfect. Even the windy, cold, gray weather didn't dampen spirits. The day was particularly great for me as I was able to work with some vendors I love ... our very own Kelly from .: Makeup In Motion :. did Autumn's makeup :)

The fabulous Jenn of .: 360 Photography :. documented the day and was kind enough to share the pictures with me. In turn I'd like to share some of them with you!

Autumn and her lovely ladies in hot pink

A beautiful shot of the chapel.

Mat and his men ... waiting ...

The star of the show and ring bearer ...

Beautiful décor by .: Annie Lane Events & Décor :.

Guests were entertained right from the get-go by the band Autumn & Mat found.

.: Orbit Sound :. provided the timely recorded tunes.

Check out Autumn's change of dress for the reception.

Mat's dad delivered a moving speech and also presented Autumn and Mat with a special gift ... signed by all the guests.

Deer Creek knows how to do dessert.

The most decadent of cakes ... made by Autumn's aunt!

Jenn was kind enough to snap this photo of my amazing colleague, Chrystal and I.

All in all, a beautiful wedding with nothing to worry about. A dream for this planner! Congratulations Autumn & Mat. May this be the start of a beautiful chapter in your lives.

March 16, 2009

Getting Your Ears Pierced?

Makeup In Motion's Tips & Tricks

Adornment worn on the ears dates far, far back. In many cultures, for religious or traditional reasons, it was customary to pierce the ears of a newborn girl.

Today, people have their ears pierced (or other body parts pierced) for a variety of reasons. The main one being that piercings are an expression of ourselves, our personalities and the message we want to convey.

Whether you opt for single or multiple ear piercing, or whether you're considering having your baby or child pierced, here are some tips that may make the journey a little easier.

Choose an experienced that practices the utmost in hygiene and personal care. And if a baby or child is having a piercing, make sure the provider is experienced with children.
Choose a good quality white or yellow gold earring as there is less likelihood of an allergy. Avoid plated products and make sure the earring itself has a dome-shaped backing that prevents discomfort while sleeping.
Be committed to having those earrings in for at least 8 weeks for a proper formation and healing of the hole. And when you do take them out, get another pair in asap and keep wearing earrings daily.

Cleanse the new piercing 2 - 3 times daily during the 8 week healing period. Use a gentle product specifically for piercings that will disinfect the area but not damage the earrings or dry out the skin. Don't use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.
If pain is not your thing, talk to your local pharmacist about a numbing cream that you can apply an hour before the piercing. This item is amazing, especially for children or those wanting a painless experience.
And finally, if one of your new earrings happens to come out (not likely but can occur) during the 8- week healing process, find it and get it back in immediately. Holes can close almost immediately during your healing, especially with young children.

If you want to learn more about earpiercing, visit our website to view video of an actual piercing. I promise, no blood, guts or gore, just some great information. This will be available for viewing on April 1. Or you can see the segment on Lifestyles With Rita Nave which airs Tuesday March 31 on Channel 12 CHEX TV Durham at 5:30pm.

January 28, 2009

Skin Care Part 3 - Serums & Eyecare

Now that we're all familiar with cleansing, toning and moisturizing, the next step to acheiving great skin is the use of Serums & Eyecare. Here's where things get interesting and overwhelming, but of no less importance than your first two steps.

Serums are boosters, typically used in conjunction with a day or night cream. A few drops gently patted on the face before your moisturizer is the normal application process. However, it's always best to check with the individual line representative first. Serums will increase water, regulate oil, clarify, nourish, repair, firm, tighten and tone. There's a serum addressing every issue we have. They are effective for their repairing and boosting qualities, plus are an additional layer of protection to the face. An ideal item for your winter regime.

When treating eyes, always remember that they are a separate entity to your skin and must be indulged with products formulated for the area itself. There are creams, gels, cream/gels, or roll-ons.....designed to lighten, smooth, de- puff, de-stress, and again firm, tighten, or tone. Whatever formula you select, eye care is best applied in teeny tiny amounts placed on your ring finger and gently patted in a circular motion around the entire eye. Think of tapping the product right on the bone, above and below.

Before shopping for serums and eye care, take a real close look at all areas of your face. Use glasses, magnifyers, or 250 watts if you need to. Study your eyes, lips, cheeks, and nose thoroughly, in order to set achievable goals for areas you would like to improve. Be honest but realistic about the performance you expect from your skincare line.'s just a jar of cream.....not plastic surgery!

For those that see crowsfeet or creppiness, maybe a lack of firmess in the mirror, focus your solution with ingredients like hyaluronic acid to feed and bind the cells with water. Plumping the cells shrinks the length and depth of fine lines. Vitamins A, C and E will fight the ageing process by neutralizing free radicals making this skin appear more firm, youthful and bright. And calibrated fruit acids (AHA's) will smooth the skin by maintaining its own natural renewal process. AHA's repair cellular damage while easing fine lines and improving the overall clarity of the skin.

If lines are not whay you see but darkening of the skin is, then your solutions must reflect. Hyperpigmention, dark undereye circles, age and liver spots, uneven tone and sun damage......are all conditions that can be effectively treated with committment and dedication. The most important thing to remember is that once you start a mission to even out a skin tone, you must continue as it is a progressive lightening process. Eye creams or serums that contain horse chestnut, bilberry extract, AHA's, hydroquinone, and vitamins A & C are ingredients that assist with fading uneven tone. Products of this nature must be used faithfully, usually twice a day for best results.

What if you see broken capillaries.......those little red "spidery" veins frequently found around the nose and cheeks. They are the result when blood no longer pumps through the tiny capillaries. This weakens the capillary walls which causes a loss of elasticity, with a final collapse into what we see as a broken blood vessel. The primary causes are environmental damage, lfestyle choices, age and hormones.

With this condition, an ounce of prevention certainly is worth a pound of cure by using sunscreen and making healthy lifestyle choices to begin with. But cosmetically speaking, you can treat broken capillaries with serums containing anti- flammatories like chamomile, horse chestnut, lavender and zinc. All of these components will help reduce the redness and visibility of broken capillaries.

Regardless of what your skins challenges are when you look in the mirror, rest assured there's something on the market for every woe you face. Look at your skin frequently and thoroughly, know how it functions at it's optimal, and use items that will treat your concerns specifically. And if you'd like an opinion or some guidance, book a 30 minute no charge consultation to get you on the road to healthy, beautiful skin.

December 10, 2008


In today's cosmetic-pharmaceutical world, commonly referred to as Cosmeceutical, there are hybrid moisturizers for every skin challenge. Cosmeceutical companies say that In contrast to cosmetic skin care products, which work to beautify the skin, cosmeceuticals will alter the structure of your skin and how it functions. 

A basic cosmetic skin care moisturizer will hydrate, come with a built-in sunscreen or a hint of color if that's all you need. While other, more advanced cosmeceuticals will exfoliate, smooth fine lines, or reverse the signs of aging. Some contain lightening ingredients that fade age spots, and even out skin tone. Others firm the skin, promote cellular renewal, or contain the same natural extracts, vitamins and minerals that we put in our bodies.

With so many formulas addressing so many issues, where do you start? 

First and foremost, select your moisturizer (s) based on your skin's type.....dry or dehydrated, normal, combination, or oily. As mentioned last month, texture is key to comfort so pay particular attention to the consistency of your moisturizer. And remember, the oilier the skin,choose more lightweight and fluid formulas , and the dryer the skin, opt for more rich and creamy textures.

Then factor in your chronological age PLUS your skin's estimated age. The oilier the skin, the slower the natural aging process and the drier the skin, the faster the natural aging process. Minus a few years if you're oily and add a few if you're dry. And, if you've had considerable sun exposure over the years, add much more since the suns harmful rays are responsible for 90% of our skins pre-mature aging process.

Once you determine skin type and age, you can then begin to look more closely at what you really want to address. A skin 25 years and under with no sun damage may focus on a regime with anti-bacterial ingredients and opt for moisturizers that regulate oil and water. While a more mature skin 45 years + with sun exposure may find herself on a layering program with products to fade broken capillaries, age spots or hyper pigmentation. 

Look closely to assess things like your skin's all over tone. How even is there sun damage, redness or discoloration? Is the texture of the skin thick and rough or is it soft and spongy? Are there new or existing fine lines.....where are they located and how deep are they? And visually, does the skin look translucent or transparent? These factors and more play a major role in your buying decision so it's important to determine your challenges in advance.

Other issues women face are budget, time they have to spend on themselves and getting the best bang for their buck in terms of simplicity and functionality. For this you want to seek the advice of a skin care expert or retail beauty consultant. They have extensive product knowledge and can save you time, money and energy with their recommendations. Help them help you by being prepared with a wish list of what YOUR particular concerns are. The more aware and educated you are about your skin and it's condition, the more the consultant can assist. 

And finally, whenever possible, touch, smell and try the moisturizer before you buy it. I am a firm believer that all beauty products really are kinesthetic and must be experienced first!

October 31, 2008

Skin Care - Cleansing & Toning

Makeup is only as good as the skin that's underneath. A bold statement yet so true. Whenever a client sits in front of me the first thing I look at is their skin. More often than not, I discover that they aren't caring enough for their skin or aren't using the most beneficial items based on their skin's needs at the time.

There are a multitude of skin care lines and manufacturers on the market today, and a treatment for everything your face can possibly ever encounter. With so much selection, how do you go about choosing what's right for you?

First, start with the basics. Cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Since the skin works on a 28 - 33 day cycle, use this trio for 2 months, twice a day before seeing your maximum result. After that, you can begin to introduce special needs items which are more targeted to your specific concerns.

But that's another issue. Actually, over the next four months, I've broken skin care down into a 4-part series covering:
Cleansing & Toning
Serums & Eye Care
Masks & Scrubs

Although you should cleanse, tone AND moisturize twice a day, this issue begins with just cleansing and toning.

The purpose of the cleanser is to clean the skin. Whether you wear makeup or not, throughout the course of the day, your skin encounters pollutants, irritants, bacteria and whatever else floats in the air. Invisible particles stick to your skin, especially if you are an oily skin or a woman who "flushes in the face".

This has to come off and since water is not enough to clean, pair it with a cleanser formulated for your skin type. Remember that the water should be luke warm, too hot or too cold is a shock to your skin. Whether you're oily, combination, dry or sensitive, the most important tip is avoid soap. It's harsh and strips the skin of it's NMF (Natural Moisture Factor). Opt for a foaming gel or mousse cleanser if your skin is oily and a gentle milky or creamy cleanser if your skin is dry or sensitive. Combination skins can flip either way depending on season and personal preference.

Since the texture of a product is formulated to feel good on the skin it's going on, choose products that feel comfortable. For example, oily skins generally prefer a "squeaky clean" after cleansing so they would not feel comfortable washing their faces with a rich product that leaves a filmy residue behind. They would prefer a foaming or lathering product that cleanses well and rinses thoroughly. Conversley, a dry skin would enjoy a cleanser that leaves the filmy residue behind. It "cushions the skin" and comforts a skin lacking oil. So always remember, texture should be key in selecting your skin care. The more oily you are, think lightweight and more fluid formulas, and the more drier you are, think more rich and creamy formulas.

Now that you've cleaned your skin, your next step is to tone it. A toner will remove any residue left behind, but more importantly, it restores the pH balance back into the skin. The pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of something. When they are equal, the substance is said to have a pH of 7.0. When the skin is below 7.0, it is acidic and when it's above 7.0 it's alkalinic. The toner restores the skin to a pH of 7.0.

Toners come in liquid form, are applied with a quilted cotton pad, and can be used as a instant freshener anytime. For best results, choose the toner that matches your cleanser as they are formulated to work together as a pair. Avoid toners containing alcohol or benzoyl peroxide. Instead, opt for products that contain more natural, purifying ingredients like camphor, grapefruit and basil extract.

And finally. don't forget your eyes. As far as skin care goes, your eyes are a completely different entity. Treat eyes with specific eye care products only, NOT the products you use on your face. The skin around the eyes is very thin, easily stretched and more sensitive. Eye care products are specifically formulated for this area, being opthamoligically tested, non irritating, and rapidly absorbing.

You will want to cleanse your eyes and remove any eye makeup with a regular or waterproof formula depending on what you're wearing. Eye makeup removers come in liquid, gel or cream formulas and applied with a quilted cotton pad. Or, opt for convenient pre- soaked cotton disks in a jar that not only remove your eyes, but your stubborn lipstick too. Whatever product you choose, the most important thing to remember about the eyes is to be gentle with them. Don't tug, stretch or rub this area....doing so stretches the thinner skin and causes pre-mature wrinkling. And who needs that!

September 30, 2008

Before You Buy Fall Makeup......

Clean Our Your Shoebox!

This fall, I'm amazed at how many different shade statements the cosmetic companies are showing.

For the eyes, I've seen everything from reds, golds and burgundys, to smudgy shades of slate, pewter, and concrete. Soft, earthy tones never go out, and some manufacturers are creating "the smokey eye" with emeralds, coppers and gun metals.

With all these different color stories, how does any woman know which ones are best for her.

Before you go off buying the latest and greatest trends, you may want to go back to basics and see exactly what you have, what you need and what you're not using. Whether you keep your makeup in a cosmetic bag or opt for the ever popular shoebox, think of the fall and spring seasons as ideal times to clean out, throw out and freshen up. Yup...PURGE YOUR MAKEUP BAG!

If you're like many women, you have a vast assortment of cosmetics you've collected over the years when "Dallas" was the top rated show and frosty, blue eyes were in. It's old, outdate and definitely not hygienic. Broken items, especially powders, will only cause you grief as they will inevitably sprinkle over your freshly laundered blouse forcing a wardrobe change you weren't prepared for. Unused things in our lives....whether they are big or small....are always clutter.

Your very first step is to overcome your separation anxiety and set aside one hour to pull out and inspect your cosmetic items.

Start with your mascara. If you've had it for 3 months, it must go. Mascara tubes harbor bacteria and should always be replaced every 3 months whether you use it daily or not.

Then, get rid of the antiques and the colors you just won't wear anymore. Remember ladies....we must age adjust our makeup so if you're 30+ and have nothing but glitter filled makeup, you need to update and introduce some mattes into your arsenal.

Work your way into lipsticks and smell each and everyone. You will know if it's off simply by a funny smell. Or, feel the texture....if it's dry, gummy, or streaky when you apply it to your hand, then it's no good. Wand glosses can also harbor bacteria, especially if a person gets cold sores or sun blisters. Again, three months maximum for these.

I could go on and on, but you get the point....out with the old and battered first.

Your next step would be to book an hour with me to go through what's left. I'll help you with items you're unsure about purging, try to maximize the use of what you already long as it's suitable, and recommend the best items to fill in what you're missing.

You'll get a full makeup application, using yours and mine, that gives you an updated look and some fresh new items to work with. This service is complimentary every fall and spring when you purchase Wink Cosmetics.

And, if you find yourself wanting to toss it all and start from scratch, then allow me to customize a full face for you with the 10 cosmetic items that will take you from day to night, from season to season and from outfit to outfit.

So ladies, think about this. What would you rather have.....a shoebox filled with years worth of cosmetics that's cost you way more than you think....OR....the ten essential makeup items.....which is all you need....customized and demonstrated just for you for under $200?

For more tips, tune into Lifestyles With Rita Nave on Tuesday Sept 30 on Channel 12 CHEX TV at 5:30 for Makeup In Motion's segment on "Purging Your Cosmetic Bag".

September 16, 2008

Makeup Lessons - Private or Group ... Get Educated On How To Work With Your Features

At Makeup In Motion, we firmly believe that makeup should be used to enhance one's natural features and bring them out to their fullest. It's not meant to compete with a woman's beauty, it's simply meant to highlight the best of the best. Whether it's your dark, romantic eyes, your full, pouty lips or your wonderfully, high cheekbones, the right color placed in the right area, can enlarge or reduce a feature instantly. Using colors that compliment your eye and skin tone, textures that are right for the individual and simple application techniques, any woman at any age can learn to work with her own uniqueness.

In come makeup lessons. At Makeup In Motion, we provide private lessons or group sessions...whatever suits your need. Both are great options and cover the entire face from top to bottom, but each is a bit different in format.

Private makeup lessons are conducted at Makeup In Motion's home studio. They are 2 hours in duration and we go through each feature step by step. Makeup In Motion does half the face while the client learns hands on how to do the other half. Eye and face charts are provided along with color charts that detail what we've used. Step by step instructions are also provided to clients who prefer to work this way. Price is $50 and are one on one only.

Group lessons are a great idea for bridal parties, teen birthdays, or women's pampering events. They are held at your venue of choice. The lesson is a hour long and demonstrated on the hostess. Again, we cover the full face, and provide valuable information and techniques that all women can apply to themselves. Each guest then receives a 20 minute makeover creating her own special look. All guests go home with color charts, eye and face charts and our famous Wink Cosmetics wand gloss in our most popular shades. Price is $35 per person based on 6 people and usually lasts about 4 hours.

So if you really want some solid advice on how to work with your features, take the guess work out of applying color, and put your best face forward everyday, then book a lesson and enjoy a transformation that still looks like you....only better.

March 12, 2008

Lipstick Tips!

When consulting with Brides on their makeup wishes for the day of their wedding, I always stress that the only item that will not last all day is the lipstick. And for very good reason. Our Wink Cosmetics lipsticks are lead free.

Recently, a friend forwarded me an article about some of the most popular brands having high amounts of lead in their lipsticks. So it prompted me to remind all of my clients once again the dangers of purchasing lipsticks boasting countless hours of staying power.

Quite simply, the longer the lipstick lasts, the more lead it contains. And we all know that lead is not exactly great for our bodies. But you do have a choice. There are many cosmetic brands that offer lead free lipsticks that don't last for hours on end, but are comfortable, colorful and most of all safe. All you have to do is refresh your lips more often throughout the day, especially after eating.

If you don't know if your preferred brand contains lead, here's a simple test.
Put some lipstick on your hand
Use a gold ring to scratch the lipstick
If the lipstick color turns black, then you know it contains lead
So the next time you're shopping for a lipstick, read the ingredient label or talk to the makeup expert for lead free lipstick options. Better yet, visit Makeup In Motion and try ours....they're lead free.

November 18, 2007

Makeup in Motion Packages

In case you haven't been to the site, here is some background on our services!

Bridal Packages

Choose Which Package Is Best For You!

Just Makeup Package
Makeup at your venue of choice on the day of the wedding
$35 per person
**In-studio pre-trial option $25 per person**

Wedding Survival Package
Wedding Day Makeup
Dual Powder
Retractable Blush Brush
$119 per person

Deluxe Bridal Bundle
Eyebrow Re-shape
Exfoliating & Hydrating Facial
Pre-trial Makeup
Wedding Day Makeup
Dual Powder
Retractable Blush Brush
$159 per person

Skin and Makeup Package
3 Facials
3 Makeup Applications
Wedding Day Makeup
15% off all Wink Cosmetics
$219 per person

November 6, 2007

Guest Authors Aplenty!

If you're a regular reader of this little blogspot, you may have noticed each day the list of guest authors on the right has been growing. That was my intention all along but I have to say I'm thrilled at the response from everyone. Some vendor authors will be popping in and out at their leisure, some will be a bit more of a constant fixture ... you'll see! The lovely brides-to-be (and some grooms-to-be!) will likely be writing a bit more but that's their call.

What's the reason for the update, you ask? Well, I realized people were coming on to the site but no formal introductions were being made! I'd love to take a few minutes to give those who I know are on board a quick hello and let everyone know how we know one another ...

With all of the brides-to-be (for now), they're clients in one capacity or another. Some are close in distance, some far ... but something serendipitous happened at some point and we're in constant contact now!

On to the vendors ...

The lovely Kristina Laukkanen from (soon to be officially changed to Sugar Tree Photography) is someone I'm very proud to call a friend. We actually met when my husband and I hired her to do our own wedding photos and since then I've had a blast watching her grow as an artist. She has a very exciting new endeavor taking up much of her time right now and I'm sure once she's able to post, she'll tell you all about it.

When thinking about a make-up artist to bring on board, it didn't take me long to figure out who to approach. I met Kelly Weldrick about a year and a half ago after I received her name from the small business program we both graduated from. Right away I was drawn in by her energy and enthusiasm for her work ... she's one infectious lady! She also was gracious enough to be a part of the team for the fashion show I helped coordinate this past March.

Also because of the fashion show I was lucky enough to meet and work with the great Martin Kolditz of MGX Productions. Frugal Bride members will know the company and I hope to bring him a bit more exposure through this blog. I called for a volunteer videographer and within hours Martin jumped on board. He was an absolute delight to work with and he has the patience of a saint. I truly look forward to working with him again!

Jessica and Erin from Periwinkle Flowers will be joining us later on this year or early next year with some tips/advice/stories from florists. I was passed their contact information by my business coach and within a couple months of introducing myself, a client of mine ended up booking with them! They're both young, hip and fun to work with ... I can't wait to see what they bring to the mix!

That's it for introductions for now ... more people will be coming on board as time goes by but before I forgot, I wanted to welcome everyone. And of course, each writer is more than welcome to give their side of the story ;)

October 31, 2007

Rule-of-thumb ... for the face!

Regardless of what season a Bride chooses for her wedding day, there are certain things that every Bride should remember...

Two coats of waterproof mascara is key for keeping the lashes in tact from tears of joy. No Bride wants train tracks running down her cheeks. Combined with waterproof eyeliner for definition, your eye makeup will remain intact much longer than with regular formulas.

False eyelashes are a great option for Brides who want fuller lashes, and wear quite nicely when applied securely. Do a trial run first to make sure you are comfortable wearing them.

Lips should always be lined, filled in and lipstick applied over top for maximum staying power. Top off with minimal gloss for shine and moisture, but avoid over glossing for your photos. And, always, always, always, have a lip moisturizer on your lips when you’re not wearing lipstick. Keep them soft, supple and protected at all times and avoid products containing camphor, as they tend to dry out the lips.

Just as water is important for the body, it’s equally important for the skin. Dehydration is a major issue for many people, and drinking plenty of water all year round will plump your skin and minimize fine, crêpey dehydration lines. Scrubs will rid the skin of the flakiness and dead skin cells, plus provide a smooth surface for creams to penetrate and makeup to be applied.

Bronzers and finishing powders are great for all seasons – they add a subtle glow to the face regardless of the time of year. Don’t forget to take your bronzer down the neck and décolleté to avoid a demarcation line in the jaw area.

Eyebrows should always be shaped and tidy. After all, they are the picture frame to the eye. Waxing is an inexpensive, quick service that gives you an instant eye lift.

Choose a dual powder in place of a loose powder. Dual powders are the most versatile of makeup items and can be used wet or dry, with a sponge or a brush depending on the coverage needed. And being in compact form, they are perfect for traveling especially to your honeymoon destination.

So while you’re planning all the details of your special day, remember to plan your skin and makeup needs too. Prep your skin in advance, select the bridal look that’s right for you by doing a pre-trial, and don’t leave your most important item to last … you.

October 22, 2007

Makeup Tips for Seasonal Brides

With the many decisions you’ll make planning your wedding, it’s important to recognize that seasonality plays a major role in all aspects of your special day. That includes your skin and makeup. Whether you are a winter, spring, summer or fall Bride, or if your nuptials will be held in a warm weather resort, make sure you attend to your skin and makeup needs long in advance. Plan ahead, consult an expert and work towards that unique radiance that every Bride wishes for on her wedding day.

Spring Brides are coming off a long cold winter and need to pay particular attention to exfoliating from head to toe. Shed that winter layer of skin and prepare your face and body for the lighter, more revealing fashions that warm weather brings. Manicures, pedicures and facials are a must for every Bride regardless of season, but many of us resume a more aggressive skin and makeup regime once spring hits. At this time of year, pinky beige and rosy browns in sheer shimmers really do give that “glowing bride” look especially when accented with a light dusting of bronzer on the cheeks, forehead and nose.

Summer Brides can often be challenged by the season’s beautiful weather. Longer days and sunnier skies can damage the skin if not properly protected. Use a sunscreen daily to reflect the harmful rays of the sun and remember that excessive heat and humidity can trigger dryness, rashes, and breakouts. Not to mention the melting of your makeup on those really hot days. Use oil free foundations or tinted moisturizers containing sunscreen to avoid “makeup meltdowns”. Always set with powder. Dual powders and blotting papers are ideal for absorbing oil and perspiration and are a great quick fix to banish shine. Have these items close at hand for any summer wedding.

Fall Brides can expect a color change. The falling leaves and cooler weather inspire us to go a little darker and richer to reflect the warmth of the season. Burgundy, plum, and brown eye and lip shades come back, and the tendency is to go a little smokier with shadows and liners. Many Brides begin to lose their summer glow and find that the foundations and powders great during the summer months need to be replaced with lighter shades for fall. Highlighting the hair is popular during this season to compensate for the loss of warmth to the skin as summer tans fade. This is also the time to step moisturizing up to a richer lotion and incorporate regular use of moisturizing masks.

Winter Brides can often overlap with the holiday season. A light, shimmering accent on the eyes or lips perks up a pale winter skin. Warm, glowing, makeup hues are preferred and many Brides invest in self tanners for the face and the body. Pay close attention to the skin and increase your exfoliating and moisturizing facials either at home or at the spa. And always protect and insulate your skin from the harsh winter weather by using foundation daily.

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