Showing posts with label cushion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cushion. Show all posts

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cheery Cushion Covers

My sister had asked me to make her some cushion covers to brighten up her room.  Her sofa was deep red and she wants some bright and cheery cushions.

So, I went shopping again at Spotlight and saw some beautiful home deco fabric that I think will just fit her requirements.  She didn't want floral print or polka dots. But I managed to convince her that Big Polka Dots in bright colors will work and I'm right : )

delicious tangerine orange

refreshing green lemonade
Bought 1 meter of each color and made 6 of these cute and cheery cushion covers! They are simple to make. Each 16" by 16" with envelope back.

And, how can I leave out my little tags?

The cushions will welcome her guests for the coming Lunar New Year and I'm glad she loves them.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas cushions

Remember that Christmas Placemats that I made in my earlier post? I've some left over fabric and decided that they will make 2 nice cushions for my sofa. It will add the Red and Christmasy feeling to the room. 

I didn't really have alot of fabric to work with so one cushion has an envelope opneing at the back while the other have fabric ties at the side.

I just use the existing cushion cover for the measurement and cut up the fabric. All in all, 1 hour is what it takes to make these 2.

I love how the Red brighten up the place immediately. If I've more of them, I'll make them into dining chairs cover to complement my placemat but oh well, the cushion is still a nice touch.

A suggestion for you with left over Christmasy fabric, you can use the scrap to make coasters, napkins and even Christmas tree ornaments!

Gotta go to sew more gifts...

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas sewing in progress

Got to say, I'm really happy that I've finished some of my gifts, so now, 30 more to go... : P

Here's a preview of what I've made these 2 days.
2 cute baby pillow
2 of my friends are pregnant so I've made some small pillows and baby changing mats for them. For the pillow, I've used the towels that I've bought earlier for this projects. The cartoon print are so cute.
the original baby wash towel
Basically, I just fold the towel into half and sew the long edge and one of the short edge. For the kitty one, as the print is in the middle, I've to fold the towel so that the kitty face is right in the middle. See below.  Then, sew along the long edge and on one end of the short edge. The other edge let it be open for you to insert the inner case.
fold them at the wrong side and sew along edges
As this is only the case, I've sewn an inner case and fill up with fibre filling to be inserted back into the case.  Easy right?

Before I go and talk about the changing mats, I have to show you another cute cushion I've made for my girl. She saw the hello kitty baby pillow and demanded to have one! I explained that its' for a baby and besides, it's too small for her. Then, she cried....I'm shocked. Anyway, thank God I've another hello kitty towel. So I made her a cushion to hug in the car. I've used 2 towels to make the front and back so that it's duo-face.  She's finally happy. And Daddy said that it's well done and he thought it was bought from somewhere! : )



Basically, I just sew the 2 towels together along the 3 edges on the wrong sides. Then I turn them out to the right side and insert the inner cushion and then the stuffing. Sew them tight.

Ok, now back to the baby changing mat. I've created a simple baby changing mat from a big changing mat that I've bought.  As it was really big, I've cut them into 2 and added my own fabric and sew ontop of the plain side.  I've made 2 changing mats from there.  One for a girl and one for a boy. Added the ribbon and it's all done.

Any, finally, for all of you who are rushing the Christmas sewing like me, keep it up and keep smiling as you work!
happy girl with her new cushion!