Showing posts with label Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Foods. Show all posts

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Myths and Facts about Mayo

I rarely bought mayo, unless if really needed or if there's an occasion and the desert to be prepared needs mayo then I have no choice but to buy it. Because, mayonnaise is usually associated with gaining weight due to its oil content. Carbohydrates, protein and fats are all sources of calories.

A spoonful of mayonnaise can go a long way. However, many people are under the impression that the longest way it can go is from the jar to their waist- a misconception that needs to be cleared for the sake of nutritional information. In fact, mayonnaise can be one's source of essentially dietary fats that the human body requires. As such it would be beneficial to know important facts about mayo and junk the myths that give it a bad name.

Fats play important roles in the body. For one,it is a source of energy. "Good Fats" coming from vegetable oils have been proven to be essential to one's growth and development. Foods like mayonnaise use vegetable oil or read the label to make sure such brand use vegetable oil, as its main ingredient. This oil is derived from soybean which is an excellent source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, or good fats.

Dietary health myths also suggest that mayonnaise is a kind of food that can be harmful to one's heart. This, too is unfounded assessment. As seen on the label of brands, mayonnaise is a good source of Omega 3 which is essential fatty acids that helps lower cholesterol. Omega 3 can not be produced by the body and can only be obtained from the diet.

Well, for one it is important to read the label first. Good mayo should uses vegetable oil. And it is also important to note the moderate consumption of mayo, as too much of good things can sometimes be bad. When calories are taken in excess beyond the recommended intake per day, then it will lead to weight gain.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Force Feeding

My child is such a picky eater that we sometimes resort to force-feeding. Is there a better way to make our child eat? Is there an appetite stimulant to make a child gain weight?

Force feeding method might be effective for a while, but it will not make our child healthy eater in the long run. An appetite stimulant should be recommended by our child's pediatrician, who can assess our child's actual need for it. Here are some recommended tips by an expert Mom:
  • Prepare creative recipes. Mealtime can be a source of fun too! With a syrup or milk, put a happy face (smiley) on your hotcakes, topped with a slice of fruit. There are recipe books that specialize in this .
  • Make sure our child rested before they eat. Tiredness can depress one's appetite.
  • Keep toys away while they eat.
  • Discourage snacking just before mealtime.
  • Be a good example. A picky parent sends the wrong signals to the child.
  • Create a friendly atmosphere. Avoid discussing negative matters or, having arguments at the dinner table.

Lets avoid power struggles which tend to promote pickiness. Instead, decide what food to offer and when. Let our child decide how much to eat.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Yeepey! It's Durian Fever in the City of "Land of Promise"

Who have ever been in the City of “Land of Promise”? Davao City is a-must-see and visit city if you want to tour in the Philippines.

Davao City has a great abundance of flowers and fruits. Month of August is it's “Kadayawan Festival” and this festivity has so much to offer not only to Dabawenyos but as well to foreigners and tourists who are now here and touring the city.

The King of all Fruits “ Durian” is in every fruit stand and you can see people in all walks of life buying and eating this very unique and delicious fruit.

As I walk down the city everyday, the odoriferous riot is everywhere. The smell? Yes, it smells like hell as they say..but wait… the fruit taste like heaven. Yes my dear it’s heaven’s taste hahaha..…don’t ask me why, -know what I mean. The first time I got to smell the fruit It made me dizzy, So Yucky! can’t stand it! However, as I am used to the smell, and tried eating it, -have found the most ever yummy fruit I have eaten so far.

FYI....“Durian is widely known in Southeast Asia as the “King of Fruits” because of its distinctive size, odor and husk. Some said it's an aphrodisiac. Durian was named to mean “ thorny fruit”. It's thorny and devilish outside but sweet, heavenly white meaty in the inside.

For promotion purposes, Durian planters and sellers will surely love and appreciate this (ha-ha-ha)… To foreigners and tourists down in the city, please don’t leave Davao without having to taste Durian. It will surely be a great food trip experience of having to eat an exotic fruit like Durian.