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Viser innlegg med etiketten yarn. Vis alle innlegg

tirsdag 8. januar 2013

New Year - New Possibilities! =)

Hopefully 2013 will be a better year for me healthwise, and then I might manage to get this blog up and running again... =)

I have gotten some stuff done, though - here I will show some of the things I finished.

This summer I finally got around to spin some more Chiengora = dogs wool. I have spun it with predrafted silk hankies, and I like the result very much. Some of the singles I plied with f.i. Merino or Polwarth like this - Chiengora Samojed + Mulberry silk hankies plied with Merino-silk.

These supersoft and fuzzy skeins were given to the owner of the Samojeds. She was very happy! =) This summer I also tried weaving for the first time, and I whipped up some scarfs! Who had thought that weaving would be so much fun?! =) Here is scarf number 3 - using mostly handspun silk yarns.

I also spun some Chiengora Samojed with dyed silk hankies that I kept as a singles, and I used that singles as weft and handspun silk yarn and some commercial silk yarn as warp. I wondered how the energized singles would behave in weaving, and I think it turned out great! The more the scarf is handled, the softer it gets! =)

When I first started spinning 2 years ago, I thought I would never spin crazy artyarn. But after I tried I realized it is SO cool and that the possibilities are endless!! =)

Corespun organic merino

Corespun Cormo locks with silk add-ins

...that turned into this buttoned cowl/scarf. =)

I have wanted to dye my fiber and yarns for a long time, and I finally got around to try. This is organic Merino I dyed myself before corespinning it.

My sister wanted a blue hat, so I made this for her out of the corespun yarn. I made it reversible and with a doubled brim. =)

Another corespun yarn turned into a bouclé type yarn when I plied it a special way.

This corespun BFL - at least some of it

..turned into a cool buttoned cowl for myself. =)

This scarf with very long fringes were made of corespun Cormo locks. Supersoft and cool! =)

I also entered the Longest Thread Competition 2013 (Electric spinner) with my attempt to spin as thin as I managed. I used raw Cormo locks, and my second attempt got ca. 270 meters 2-ply from ca. 12 grams wool. Even though that is really thin and a lot thinner than I thought I could do, it is not even close to what the winners manage... *lol*

But it was a new experience, and it is cool to be a part of the competition. Hopefully the thread will hold together to be measured correctly... =)

I have spun a lot more yarns in 2012 and crafted more projects, but this was a little summary of the new things I have tried. =)

And as most of us are getting a little older, what better to start this new year with a beautiful song?

Stevie Nicks and Fleetwood Mac - Landslide - Live 1975.
Enjoy! =)

lørdag 12. desember 2009

A Knitters Dream? 12 days left... =)

Silky and soft, and squishy and beautiful... *MMMmmmm* =)

torsdag 3. september 2009


Can you believe it? I won the competition at Strikk innom! *yeyandhappyallovertheplace* =)

I will recieve 4 packages with beautiful yarns over the next year! For free!! =)

Have a nice day! I sertenly will! *lol*

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