
Showing posts with label Grogu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grogu. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

What I Drew Sunday, April 25th - Top 3

Last Sunday’s 8-hour drawing session was not only “Star Wars” themed as planned, but also full of kids and family scenes. Who knew that “family” was such a strong theme running in the franchise? I thought it was about laser words and exploding moons.

Here are the top 3 liked pieces from Sunday:

#1 - Anakin and Padmé take little Luke and Leia to Disney: suggestion by @annakat.m

There seemed to be a family vibe running through many of the suggestions pitched for this “Star Wars” edition of WSIDT. For example take this “what could have been” family vacation scenario.

A couple of similar suggestions came in. @bodast “Young Luke and Leia playing near the lake on Naboo.” Kinzey F. “Padme, Anakin, Luke, and Leia as a happy family”

Remove the time travel aspect of placing characters from an era “a long time ago,” I chose to place Padmé and Anakin in the Magic Kingdom’s famed Fantasyland behind Cinderella Castle. It’s a location different from the typical front of castle.

Clearly communicating “Disney” is a character encounter. From Mickey, to Minnnie I landed on Donald Duck thinking that during my sketch development, that a “dark side“/“duck side” joke could bubble to the surface. such a joke never did.

Young Leia and Luke, having never been realized in the films, are generic to the point of being drawn mostly from their backs. Luke has his name custom sewn into his mouseears. Leia is dressed as a princess. Padmé turned out to be a reasonable caricature of Natalie Portman. Her hair style and dress are made up, but evoking something that she might wear. Anakin on the other hand, is not a good caricature of Hayden Christensen. As the last drawing of the day, this, unfortunately, is the state that I took it calling “time’s up” for the day. From that point, I spent at least another hour to finishing inking and coloring the piece.

1x hidden Mickey.

#2 - Ahsoka babysitting an unruly Grogu: suggestion by @sdogg52

This pairing comes from the Disney Plus series The Mandalorian. Ashoka is a character who originated in the animated Clone Wars series and is a Jedi in hiding. Grogu is the character commonly known as “Baby Yoda.”

The suggestion brought to mind Dennis the Menace and Calvin and Hobbes, the later also serving as stylistic inspiration. As depicted in The Mandalorian, Grogu isn’t a very active character. He sits and waddles and is carried a lot. For the benefit of this “streaking baby” joke, he needed to be much more energetic.

#3 - Chewbacca babysitting Toddler Ben Solo: suggestion by Kinzey F.
This “babysitting” story was drawn prior to the “Ahsoka and Grogu” piece. Not knowing anything of what the young son of Leia and Han was like, the more fun set ups comes from some conflict. Here a day-worn caretaker (Chewbacca) and a restless ward (Ben). I aged up Ben from a toddler of the suggestion to have more vocabulary, since Chewy would’t be one with dialogue.

Here are the rest of the 4 drawn on Sunday:
R2 and 3PO exploring Mars
Suggestion by @elijones94

L3 and Lando on a date.
Suggestion by @fletchthis

Admiral Ackbar yelling “IT’S A TRAP!” at a mouse droid rolling towards a mouse trap
Suggestion by @madesalvo

Suggestion by @carbonswap

In the tradition of hiding Mickeys in my Disney sketches, I put IG-88 references in these Star Wars drawings. Did you find them all?

All of these and more original piece of art will be for sale at whatever ends up being my next comic convention showing.

The next WSIDT session is happening in May 30, as a normal, non-themed drawing session.

Thank you to everyone who pitched their fun drawing suggestions. Thank you for following my blog and/or Instagram (@Monstergram7) and/or Monster Enterprises Facebook page. Thank you for liking.

All: Black ink and color pencil on Bristol Board.

“Anakin & Padmé” and “Chewbacca & Ben” 12.70 cm x 17.78 cm (5.00 in. x 7.00 in.)
“Ahsoka & Grogu” 6.35 cm x 8.89 cm  (2.50 in. x 3.50 in.)