Showing posts with label Forgetful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Forgetful. Show all posts

Monday, July 21, 2008


As it says, berkat doa yg kite dapat dari orang-orang yg mengingati dan menyayangi kite dengan setulus hati mereka, alhamdulilah my health check-up was good and nothing to worry for now.

I'm feeling better now and hope to be back at work tomorrow.
Nak story a bit about what happened this afternoon. Kadang-kadang I tend to forget things. This is what happened.

Nampak tak budak tu, terselit kat tepi, nak suruh mandi pun susah

Now dah mandi, nak get ready to go to school

When I sent Aqil this afternoon to school, I was surprised to see all his classmates without school uniform except Aqil. Then only I remembered that today is Racial Harmony Day, so the children semua pakai traditional costumes to school.

OMG!!!! hw could I forgot, there is a letter given last week and I forgot about it. Nampak betul age is catching-up :)

So ape lagi, Aqil pun malu-malu nak masuk class becaused all his frens wearing traditional costumes except him. Pity pulak tengokkan dia, kelam kabut ajak Aqil balik to change. Lucky his school and my house tak jauh, about 3 blocks apart jer.

Reached home, I changed him to his green baju melayu than rushed back to school.

All his frens semua dah masuk, Aqil late about 15mins only. If Umi yg sent him sure tak lupa. Actually if without traditional costumes pun still ok but biaselah, all his frens cantik with their costumes dia pun teringin lah jugak, than his face pun dah very sad, so nak tak nak terpaksa lah balik tukarkan.

After sending him to school I went to buy some groceries at NTUC than sent it home. After that baru lah I went to c my doctor for my medical check-up.

After check-up timing just right to fetch Aqil from school. Reached home, bathed him, gave him milk and me pun start to cook dinner for the kids.

Aqil came back with this, di reka khas oleh teacher nyer, pattern ape agaknyer

Insyaallah tonite dah janji ngan hubby nak pump petrol kat JB, it all depends lah if jam or not, dah lama jugak tak masuk JB. Last I went in about 3 weeks ago to meet Rasp and Ted.

I will continue later or may b tomorrow at work, now nak watch my favourite Sinetron "Cinta Fitri". If tak malas I will log-in to read frens blog sambil tunggu hubby come back from work at 11pm.