Field of Science

Showing posts with label herbaroum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label herbaroum. Show all posts

Bryophyte Herbarium Survey

Are you #Herbarium Staff?

We recently began a multi-year research study examining how bryophyte specimens are stored and organized at scientific institutions across North America and Europe and how (if at all) herbarium curation methods/approaches affect research in our research community and the study of bryophytes in particular.

We are actively recruiting staff members at herbaria in North America and Europe to participate in our study by completing the following survey:

We estimate that it will take between 20 and 40 minutes to complete our survey. Should you want to review the questions and prepare your answers before beginning the online survey, a digital copy of our full survey is available here:  

Participation in this study is fully voluntary, and you will not be compensated for completing our study. Should you decide to complete our survey, consider including your email address on the last page of the survey so that you are entered into a drawing for a free pair of natural history books. Further details on our study and its objectives and the rights and responsibilities of study participants are included on the first page of the survey.  

Thank you for your time and assistance! We look forward to sharing our findings with you at a later date.

Best regards,

Jessica M. Budke, Ph.D.
Herbarium Director (TENN)
Assistant Professor, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Department
University of Tennessee – Knoxville

Robin A. Lewis, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program
Chair, Sustainable Community Development Program
Hobart and William Smith Colleges