Showing posts with label Erika Kelly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Erika Kelly. Show all posts

Sunday, October 21, 2018

BLOG TOUR: The Heartless Boyfriend by Erika Kelly

Welcome to the Official Blog Tour for Erika Kelly's The Heartless Boyfriend, the second standalone title in the Bad Boyfriend series!!! On our tour stop today, we have an exclusive excerpt share! So.. Check it out and grab your copy today! Follow the tour. Find the tour schedule at the end of this post.

From award-winning author Erika Kelly comes the second standalone title in her brand new, smoking hot series about four elite athlete brothers raised in the Tetons by their eccentric, billionaire dad and uncle,the Bad Boyfriend series! Don’t miss your chance to meet the dedicated and swoony Will Bowie in The Heartless Boyfriend

New Adult
Contemporary Romance
Bad Boyfriend, #2
Publish Date:
October 16, 2018
EK Publishing, LLC

There's not an athlete alive who can match Will's drive and self-discipline...until an adorable two year old and a fiery chef land on his doorstep and turn his life upside down. If he wants to keep his girls, he's going to have to learn to lead with his heart and not his mind. 

Will Bowie is supposed to be training for the Olympics, but the toddler unexpectedly dropped into his life isn’t interested in his schedules. Still, he’s pretty sure he’s got things under control… 

…until a sexy chef lands on his doorstep and offers a temptation he can’t resist. 

Hours after losing her restaurant, chef Delilah Lua enters a cooking competition thousands of miles away from home. Winning would resurrect the dream that’s been stolen from her. If—no, when—she wins, she’ll go back with the capital to open her own place and enough fame to do it with flair. Her roommate, though, is a delicious surprise she hadn’t anticipated… 

…but she’s not sure how to have her cake and eat it, too. 

Despite the undeniable sparks in the kitchen, Will’s not about to give his heart to another woman who’s leaving, and Delilah must decide if the delectable future she could cook up with Will is worth more than a childhood dream.


Glancing up from the faucet, she expected to see an apology in his eyes for being so cold to her. Instead, she saw impatience.
“Can I wash my hands?”
“When I finish.” She didn’t know why she’d held her ground. It wasn’t like she hadn’t cleaned the pear enough. But she was pissed at him—no, herself. God, she didn’t know. Nothing made sense. They’d been so close last night—she’d felt so comfortable with him, so free. And then he’d ruined everything with that kiss-off. I have to stay on track.
Okay, Will. Sorry for cutting in on your eight hours.
He stepped closer, reaching around her for the soap. His big, sweaty arms boxed her in, his thighs touching the backs of hers. He lathered his hands. “Let’s not make things uncomfortable for Ruby, okay?”
He was right. “I won’t.” Of course, he was.
“I’m sorry if I hurt you, and we can talk about it later, but Ruby picks up on everything, and I don’t want a strained, weird vibe in her home.”
“I know.” She didn’t need to be bitchy. It wasn’t like they’d made each other promises. They’d gotten carried away, and it had been great. “It was just sex.” She’d meant to lighten the mood, but the way he flinched—his arm grazing her bare skin—made her sizzle down to the soles of her feet. “Lackluster at that.”
“Right.” He held her gaze—hard, intense—but his words came out nonchalant. “Basic.”
“Yep. I’m all about the extra.”
“Never settle, Delilah Lua.” He clamped down on what might’ve been an awesome grin. “Never settle.”
She set the pear down and turned in his arms. “So, we’re good?”
He gave her that burning, hungry look that made desire churn and a flash fire race across her skin. “We’re good.” And then he put a hand on Ruby’s head. “I’m gonna hit the shower. You okay to stay down here with Wally?”
“Go wif you.”
He lifted his sister and headed across the living room. When his foot hit the bottom stair, he turned to her. “For what it’s worth?”
She waited.
“It was spectacular.”

Copyright© 2018 Erika Kelly

And don’t miss the first book in the Bad Boyfriends series, The World's Worst Boyfriend! Grab your copy today!
(cover links to Goodreads)



**About the Author**
Award-winning author Erika Kelly has been spinning romantic tales all her life--she just didn't know it. Raised on the classics, she didn't discover romantic fiction until later in life. From that moment on, she's been devouring the genre and has found her true voice as an author. Over three decades she's written poems, screenplays, plays, short stories, and all kinds of women's fiction novels. Married to the love of her life and raising four children, she's lived in two countries and seven states, but give her pen and paper, a stack of good books, and a steaming mug of vanilla chai latte and she can make her home anywhere.

Stay connected with Erika Kelly


Follow the Tour:

October 15th
Guilty Pleasures Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Maggie’s Escape Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Ree Cee's Books – Review & Excerpt
October 16th
Books According to Abby – Review & Excerpt
Melena's Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Reviews from the Heart – Review & Excerpt
October 17th
Bookishly Yours – Review & Excerpt
Books and Things Blog – Review & Excerpt
Mes Livres – Review & Excerpt
October 18th
SBB Reviews – Review
October 19th
Catty Jane Book Lovers – Review & Excerpt
The Reading Cafe – Review & Excerpt
October 20th
Ashley Book Blog – Excerpt
Book Addict – Review
Devilishly Delicious Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Miss Riki – Review & Excerpt
Reds Romance Reviews – Review & Excerpt
October 21st
From the TBR Pile – Review & Excerpt
Reads & Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Smut Book Junkie Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
October 22nd
Becky on Books – Excerpt
IrishdaisylovesRomance – Review & Excerpt
Reading in Pajamas – Review & Excerpt
Wicked Babes Blog Reviews – Review & Excerpt
October 23rd
Book Lovers 4Ever – Excerpt
Live Read and Breathe – Review & Excerpt
Shannon’s Book Blog – Review & Excerpt
Sofia Loves Books – Review & Excerpt
October 24th
Brittany's Book Blog – Excerpt
Boundless Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
Nerdy Dirty & Flirty – Review & Excerpt
The Book Addict's Reviews – Review & Excerpt
October 25th
KDRBCK – Excerpt
Sweet Red Reads – Review & Excerpt
Tfaulcbookreviews – Excerpt
October 26th
Cofffeeandbooks – Review
Miranda's Library – Review
Pages Abound – Review & Excerpt
Spellbound Stories – Review & Excerpt
True Story Book Blog – Review & Excerpt

Blog Tour Organized by

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

RELEASE DAY BLITZ: The Heartless Boyfriend by Erika Kelly

From award-winning author Erika Kelly comes the second standalone title in her brand new, smoking hot series about four elite athlete brothers raised in the Tetons by their eccentric, billionaire dad and uncle,the Bad Boyfriend series! Don’t miss your chance to meet the dedicated and swoony Will Bowie in The Heartless Boyfriend! To celebrate this release, we have an exclusive excerpt to share! So.. Check it out and grab your copy today!

New Adult
Contemporary Romance
Bad Boyfriend, #2
Publish Date:
October 16, 2018
EK Publishing, LLC

There's not an athlete alive who can match Will's drive and self-discipline...until an adorable two year old and a fiery chef land on his doorstep and turn his life upside down. If he wants to keep his girls, he's going to have to learn to lead with his heart and not his mind. 

Will Bowie is supposed to be training for the Olympics, but the toddler unexpectedly dropped into his life isn’t interested in his schedules. Still, he’s pretty sure he’s got things under control… 

…until a sexy chef lands on his doorstep and offers a temptation he can’t resist. 

Hours after losing her restaurant, chef Delilah Lua enters a cooking competition thousands of miles away from home. Winning would resurrect the dream that’s been stolen from her. If—no, when—she wins, she’ll go back with the capital to open her own place and enough fame to do it with flair. Her roommate, though, is a delicious surprise she hadn’t anticipated… 

…but she’s not sure how to have her cake and eat it, too. 

Despite the undeniable sparks in the kitchen, Will’s not about to give his heart to another woman who’s leaving, and Delilah must decide if the delectable future she could cook up with Will is worth more than a childhood dream.


“I feel like I’m always pissing you off,” Delilah said, as they made their way to the end of the row of conveyor belts. “I just hate not knowing what you’re thinking.”
He reached around her to hold the door open, and then they started down a long hallway. “I’m thinking that I don’t have time to drive you around town.”
“You just said—”
He stopped, bracing his hands against the wall, caging her in. “I’m thinking about Freefest, and how important it is that I get my head on right, that I focus and visualize and do all the things I need to do so I don’t die on that mountain.”
God, that look. So intense. Electrifying. “I don’t want to be a burden. I can get around by myself.”
But he didn’t look at her like he was pissed or annoyed. No, with his nostrils flaring like that, he looked like he wanted to use both hands to rip her dress wide open and drop his face in her cleavage. And she wasn’t entirely sure she’d stop him.
Her pulse fluttered out of control, and desire streamed through her.
He lowered his mouth to her ear, his voice deep and husky. “But it doesn’t seem to matter what I’m thinking, because it doesn’t stop my heart from feeling funny when I watch you talking about produce with a dude wearing toe shoes. It doesn’t keep me from realizing that I’ve known a lot of women in my life but none of them—until you—has ever surprised me. It doesn’t seem to matter that I’m really good—and I mean expert level—at blocking out distractions and staying focused because, somehow, you’ve tangled up my wiring. I’m supposed to be thinking about my thrust or my amplitude or page thirty-six in How to Raise Your Orphan Sister, but I can’t concentrate because you keep getting under my skin, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
His chest was right there—close, but not touching. His mouth, a whisper away, and her body yearned for him to close the last inch of distance between them.
 “I can’t stop from breaking into a run every afternoon, so I can get home to you,” Will said. “I hold my breath because I want to open the door and find you in the kitchen and when you’re not there I hate it. I could easily hire some high school or college kid to drive you around this summer. Maybe get you a scooter—anything so that I don’t have to do it, but I will be damned if I let someone else be the one to take you places. That’s for me. That’s my gift.”
Every cell in her body opened up and started singing and clapping to a gospel tune. But she was in a hallway, and the farm owner was waiting for her. “Well, that must be very inconvenient for a man like you.”
He smiled, and it was like a bright yellow dandelion pushing up through a crack in the cement. It floored her. “You have no idea.”
“If it helps, you’re not my type.”
He stepped close enough that his body brushed hers, and she could smell the sun in his cotton T-shirt and the fresh mountain air scent of him that drove her wild. “No?”
“Not at all. You’re too disciplined. Too…tidy.”
“Would it help if I…” He brought both hands to his head and messed up his hair.
She laughed because it was short enough that it couldn’t really get messed up. “A little.”
“How about if I got some ink. Like maybe a sunburst right here.” He brought her hand to his chest, just slightly off-center.
His strong arm wrapped around her back, and he hauled her to him, pressing his warm, soft mouth on top of hers. And then he kissed her.
It was so good, so unexpected, that she practically soared right out of her body. Her pulse quickened, and she had to squeeze her hands into fists to keep from scraping them through his hair.
I could fall so hard for this man.
He parted his lips, and the way he licked across her bottom one had her drawing in a sharp breath as pleasure bloomed across her skin. He took advantage of her surprise by sweeping his tongue into her mouth, tilting his head, and kissing her like the clock was ticking, and he’d never get this chance again.
Sensation flooded her, making her nerves hum and her knees go weak.

Copyright© 2018 Erika Kelly

And don’t miss the first book in the Bad Boyfriends series, The World's Worst Boyfriend! Grab your copy today!
(cover links to Goodreads)



**About the Author**
Award-winning author Erika Kelly has been spinning romantic tales all her life--she just didn't know it. Raised on the classics, she didn't discover romantic fiction until later in life. From that moment on, she's been devouring the genre and has found her true voice as an author. Over three decades she's written poems, screenplays, plays, short stories, and all kinds of women's fiction novels. Married to the love of her life and raising four children, she's lived in two countries and seven states, but give her pen and paper, a stack of good books, and a steaming mug of vanilla chai latte and she can make her home anywhere.

Stay connected with Erika Kelly

Release Day Blitz Organized by