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Showing posts with label Kashmira Shah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kashmira Shah. Show all posts

Kashmira Shah in Underwear turns dominatrix – HOT New Wallpaper…

Saturday, March 27, 2010 · 0 comments

Kashmira Shah in Underwear turns dominatrix – HOT New Wallpaper…

Kashmira Shah just won’t stop…her undying desire to get herself clicked in every piece of underwear, panties, or lingerie she posses seems to be uncontainable.

Check out this latest instalment…

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Kashmira Shah in Underwear turns dominatrix – HOT New Wallpaper…

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kashmira shah panty pics | kashmira shah panties | kashmira shah panty calendar

Friday, March 5, 2010 · 0 comments

kashmira shah panty pics | kashmira shah panties | kashmira shah panty calendar

Ok, I know what your thinking, WTF does the the title mean, right?

Those are the phrases which google suggested to me when I was searching for Kashmira Shah P…, and what that means is that there are a hell lot ov people searching Kashmira Shah posing in her panties and underwear. Phenomenal!

I for one am a little bored of seeing her churning out the same stuff over and over again, I think it would be great to see her in a sexy saree for a change.

Anyway, that’s just me, you guys go ahead and eNJOY these new pictures from Kashmira Shah panty world

kashmira shah panty pics

kashmira shah panty pics

kashmira shah panties

kashmira shah panties

kashmira shah panty calendar

Seriously, is there such a thing as “Kashmira Shah Panty Calendar”?

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SHOCKING! Kashmira Shah taking off her underwear – most daring picture…

Monday, November 9, 2009 · 0 comments

SHOCKING! Kashmira Shah taking off her underwear – most daring picture…

I am pretty used to Kashmira Shah’s sexy pictures but even this surprised me. My jaw literally dropped down when I saw this picture of Kashmira Shah.

I think its one of the hottest pictures of Kashmira Shah till date…what about you?



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Kashmira Shah Wallpaper – extremely HOT one, posing in her underwear…

Thursday, November 5, 2009 · 0 comments

Kashmira Shah Wallpaper – extremely HOT one, posing in her underwear…

Well, another one in the series of hot Kashmira Shah Wallpapers….STEAMING!

*** picture has been scaled down, all you have to do is just save the picture to your computer and open it to see it full size. eNJOY

Kashmira Shah Wallpaper

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2 of the hottest Kashmira Shah wallpapers in recent times…

Thursday, October 15, 2009 · 0 comments

2 of the hottest Kashmira Shah wallpapers in recent times…

Check out these really-really hot wallpapers of Kashmira Shah.

It was nice to see Kashmira back after 2 years in little cameo in Wake Up Sid! Apparently, Kashmira is busy these days doing dance shows along with other TV stars.

*** pictures are scaled down so save them to your disk to view them full size.

Kashmira Shah
Kashmira Shah
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kashmira shah hot pics

Thursday, July 30, 2009 · 0 comments

kashmira shah hot pics

Here are some really steamy kashmira shah hot pics. I would not say I am a big fan of Kashmira Shah but well atleast the girl lives on her own terms and conditions. She's done a few bollywood movies like Yes Boss etc but unfortunately has not made it big. I last saw her on TV during the Big Boss 1 but I hear she's doing a lot more on TV nowdays...

anyway, check these lovely kashmira shah hot pics, she looks good in them.



kashmira shah hot pics (2) kashmira shah hot pics (3) kashmira shah hot pics (4) kashmira shah hot pics (5) kashmira shah hot pics (6) kashmira shah hot pics (7) kashmira shah hot pics (8) kashmira shah hot pics

Guys, hope you enjoyed the kashmira shah hot pics. If you like this site and eNJOY the contents and posts please spread the word, We would like this to become the NO. 1 destination for all Amisha Patel fans...THANK YOU!

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cool Kashmira Shah wallpaper/picture...

Saturday, May 2, 2009 · 0 comments

cool Kashmira Shah wallpaper/picture...

save it to your disk to view full size.

cool Kashmira Shah wallpaper/picture... Sponsored Links

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Kashmira Shah gets very bold in the Movie Revathi - HQ Quality Video Clip

Friday, January 2, 2009 · 0 comments
Kashmira Shah gets very bold in the Movie Revathi - HQ Quality Video Clip

Kashmira Shah almost Nude/Naked in the Movie 'Revathi' - HQ Quality Video Clip

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Kashmira Shah gets very bold in the Movie Revathi - HQ Quality Video Clip

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