Showing posts with label Fractions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fractions. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013

Give me half!

This week we have been learning about fair share and half/whole. The first day we read the book Bears Berries. It is a short book about two bear sharing berries equally. The students got to practice with berries and sharing fair or equally.

The next day we read the book Give Me Half where the two kids did not want to share fairly with each other. We discussed how sharing equally looks like by drawing shapes and drawing a line down the middle to show half.

As a fun activity we made two pizzas. Then we cut one pizza in half and labels each side as 1/2. Then we cut the other pizzas into fourths. Then the students labeled each part. Here are some examples.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Fair Share

In kindergarten we teach the basic concept of fractions. We teach them 1/2 and about fair share. I read the book Bears Berries. Then we each got paper berries that we had to share evenly among two bears on a page. The students picked this concept up quickly. So I had the students make a bear and two plates from construction paper. Then I gave them some berries and they had to share them evenly.

Later the students got with a buddy and I gave them a piece of bread that they had fair share with. So the students had to carefully tear the bread in half.