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France remembered!

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These would have to be some of my favourite photographs taken in France. It is in the village of St. Christophe, home to our good friends Dorothy and Keith. We arrived at their home on the Wednesday. We had spent the previous Monday and Tuesday riding the bikes through Holland, Belguim and then France. Normally when Jon and I go away on holiday on the motorbike we have fantastic weather, but whether this only occurs when we go alone I can oly guess! Our neighbours and friends John and Trish had wanted to come along for what was to be their first biking adventure. On route on Monday the weather had been ideal for biking! Not too hot and not cold. Tuesday however was a different story! The rain came with a vengence and we rode for 5 hours through torrential rain. I had given Trish some tips on packing, one being to pack all clothes inside carrier bags. As we drove through the horrendous conditions I kept asking myself why I hadn't followed my own advice? When we arrived in Clemecy we were all thoroughly soaked, worse to come was the luggage! The entire contents were soaked through. We secured rooms in a hotel and I set off on a mission, to locate a launderette. The hotel owner spoke no English, I spoke no french, but by pointing, showing wet clothes and smiling we managed to communicate. I worked out from where he pointed there was a launderette under the flag of the castle. We dried our clothes, had a shower and were soon sitting in the square drinking a well earned beer. We have come to the conclusion that at the end of any biking expedition a bath/shower and a beer makes a bad day into a good day! After a good night's sleep, a lovely breakfast we made our way to meet up with Dorothy where we spent 2 fantastic days. More to come, for now, enjoy the flowers!
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Revealed! My New product!

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Well I am hoping I have finally cracked the problem with Blogger, by composing this in Windows Livewriter! I have tried this before but the pictures did not show, so I have experimented by uploading the picture into a photo album, here in WLW! I will only know if it is a success after I "publish" so here goes! Yes, I have a new product, a 3D Heart Seating Plan! I will be launching this at the Gisborough Hall Wedding Fayre on October 18th! Her is the very first one, at the Reception of Andrew and Katie's Wedding, August 29th. This was the night before we left for holiday and whilst I was attending here with Maria, an order for some Thankyou notes were being collected from our house. Talk about working up to the last minute? Would appreciate your comments!


Friday allready?

Blogger seems to be playing up right now and my posts are not appearing as they should. All spacing, justifying etc. seems to have gone out of the window, so I will be on the case, when I have a minute. Have had a very very busy few days. Yesterday we travelled to Huddersfield, Baradford, Pudsey and Leeds re Jon's business, so we were very late home. Just managed to collapse in front of the TV for a couple of hours before bed. I had an early start because one of the hens, Mabel had decided NOT to go into the henhouse at bedtime. Needless to say I worried, but early the next morning there she was, strutting her stuff in Jo's field. Eventually I encouraged her into the right side of the fence but last night would you believe she managed to persuade Olwyn that the branches of the tree were an ideal place to sleep the night! I will make sure they are both within the folds of the henhouse tonight. I think it is because the nights are drawing in so quickly! Although yesterday was a very warm day the night was colder than normal. The weekend seems to be a busy one, but I will sort out my holiday pictures and get some here to share!