Showing posts with label William Dunlop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Dunlop. Show all posts


Road Racing!

Last Sunday we went over to the Oliver's Mount Road Racing Circuit! Normally the circuit is a public road but on race days it becomes a popular circuit! Guy Martin! So so unlucky at the TT! He was the man of the day! Winning the 6th Gold Cup! A great guy who likes his tea! Here, relaxed before the racing!
Later, preparing to race!
From the left, Ian Hutchinson, Michael Dunlop and Ryan Farquer. Next to Ryan was Guy, pole position!
Ian Locher came in 4th.
The winning side car of Nick Crowe!
Dunlop, from Ryan, then Guy and
Ryan between the two Dunlops! William in front, Michael behind!Notice Guy on the outside.
William Dunlop from Ryan and Ian Locher!
Guy ready to take the 6th Gold Cup!
Ryan was 2nd.
We had a great day! The weather was good, let's hope it stays like it this weekend!