
Showing posts with label Village Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Village Hall. Show all posts

Monday, January 16

January 16th

Life is back to normal after a hectic few days. When doing the Christmas shopping I came across a gammon joint reduced to £2.50. I froze it and last week saw us having gammon in many recipes. This was my favourite - just chopped and cooked spare veg sandwiched between gammon and potatoes with a Quark cooking sauce for good measure.

The hens are still enjoying the comfort of their hen house as the "lock - up" regime is still in operation. They have an enclosed run leading out from the shed but as the weather has been so cold Bev is being quite maternal and staying inside - chicks (now fully grown) preferring to do as she does.

The farm to the back of our house has now its own maternity unit. New born lambs appearing regularly.

2017 is off to a good start - lots in the pipeline with our very first Burns Night this Saturday, 21st. Watch this space!

Wednesday, December 14

Where was I?

Oh yes........
November 26th we held our Christmas Coffee Morning - Santa was calling!

Santa came and brought presents!

Our local Co-op donated some items which I made up into a hamper which we raffled.

Thursday December 8th - Village Christmas Dinner which myself and Karen organised and cooked for.

Last weekend I was involved with the very first local Beer Festival.

Our youngest nephew, Richard came along to help.

We had a great weekend.

Last night, Tuesday 13th the village crowd went out for a Christmas meal - spot the difference in my hair!

Nearly there!

Saturday, March 5

Dirty Weekend.

 Yesterday, (Friday) we had planned a walk in the surroundings of our village, approximately 4 miles.
The day started nice enough but by the time our walk started the heavens opened.

Five of us turned up - including the guide John Roberts. From the left, Anne (neighbour), Karen (neighbour and best friend) Moi, Shirley (friend from pottery class).


John took us through Rosecroft wood and we came back to the village hall for soup, roll and some home baking. Other people from the village popped in for lunch and we had a raffle. Fortunately we had prepared everything before setting out as when we returned around 12.30pm there was no running water - until 5.30pm.

These are our new neighbours - Jay and Graham. I have known Jay for over 20 years as I taught her son.

Alison and Sue Stevenson (Daughter in law and Mother in law, and John Roberts our guide.

As well as no water we had a flood through the village.

Today, Saturday the flood was not as bad but still a significant factor affecting our litter-pick. The village, like many other communities took part in the national "Clean for the Queen" campaign in preparation for the official celebrations for the Queen's 90th birthday in May. We will be holding a village tea party where all the village will be invited to the village hall for afternoon tea on May 15th.

Our local Asda store sent their community worker (2nd left) and the community offer from the borough council came too, supplying high visability vests, litter pickers and plastic bags.

So...considering we have had a flood, were without running water and torrential rain we had two productive events and raised £100 for village hall funds.

Saturday, February 27

 Today we held our first coffee morning of 2016, raising £313.30.
A great day for all!
Feet up time now.