One of the groups who help us out from time to time are Lockwood View
We are pioneering a project with the council which will see felled trees destined for landfill being dropped off in our village. We have wood turners who will either use any pieces and sell on or sell pieces amonst their friends at the Wood turning Club. Any wood left can be chopped up for logs - the agreement is however that no individual can benefit financially - all proceeds are to go to the Village Hall funds.
The group love company so the arrangement is we, the village hall provide lunch and anybody from the village can join the group for a meal - in this case corned beef pie.
On Tuesday the council are sending a team armed with chain saws and log splitters to chop up the wood the team stacked.
We celebrated Burns Night - we had a teddy specially made for Guess the name - MacTavish!
A good start to the year - 2017 Jaunuary coffee morning made £126 - 2018 we made £270
Burns Night 2017 we made £130 - 2018 we made £240 so we are all ready £500 on route.
February is q quiet month so the decorator can get on with the hall refurbishment and the new carpets can happen.
Watch this space!